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論文名稱(外文):Research on Value Co-creation of Health Management Platform
外文關鍵詞:platform economyhealth managementvalue co-creationuser characteristics
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本研究資料來自「TCS臺灣傳播調查資料庫」 2018年第二期第二次「媒介使用與社會互動」的調查資料,以有使用網路者的1,674份有效樣本進行分析;本研究從「健康管理使用者特質」的角度切入,並嘗試進一步探索「健康管理平台」的核心價值、及發展商機。





Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, population health and Non-medical applications of “health management” have received renewed attention, such as “healthy eating, exercise management, and immune enhancement, etc” in daily life.

The data of this research come from the second “Media Use and Social Interaction” survey in the second issue of the “TCS Taiwan Communication Survey” in 2018. There are 1,674 valid samples for analysis. The research starts from the perspective of "health management user characteristics", and try to explore the core value of the "health management platform" and develop business opportunities.

Research has found that users of health management platforms have significant differences in "demographic changes, online behavior, community and social interaction, personal value, etc." In terms of demographic changes and online behaviors, “health management platform users" more likely to "women, age 30-39, education services, electricity and gas industries, heavy use of Internet functions, and more mobile phone functions. It’s familiar with the Internet, high monthly online consumption, and relies heavily on the use of life management technology.”

In terms of “community social interaction”, “health management platform users" more likely to "deeply participation in community and social interaction activities, have certain achievements and be respected, value fairness and justice, value environmental protection, and will not let yourself be victimized. "

In terms of "personal value", “health management platform users" more likely to "pursue success, seek speed, not be afraid of taking risks, seek innovation, feel that the current life is great, and not far from the ideal life." They are very positive, and may have a certain social life, high status, like to make friends.

In terms of "conscious health", "health management platform users" have no significant difference from the general public. This may mean that the use of health management platforms is not done because of health problems, but for manage health and prevent disease in daily life.

Research has also found that there is a high correlation between "checking health information" and "using health management functions". This means that before using the health management function, users may query health related information as a reference for the use of the health management platform.

Based on the analysis of the user characteristics of the health management platform, it is found that these characteristics can be used as factors for the co-creation of the value of the health management platform.
(1) Orientation on the daily health management platform, rather than post-illness treatment management.
(2) A "planned" management platform that focuses on loving beauty, maintaining good posture, and exercising.
(3) Innovation and change, innovation, high-tech management functions, with living environment monitoring.
(4) The platform needs to be able to launch new features quickly and regularly.
(5) The brand needs to be able to integrate with social welfare and create contribution value.
(6) It needs to be able to meet the user's customized service and the imagination of a better life.

中文摘要 I
Abstract IV

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 1

第二章 理論及文獻探討 3
第一節 平台經濟 3
第二節 平台經濟的三大特徵 6
第三節 平台經濟在健康產業的價值及運用 12
第四節 平台經濟在其他產業的運用 18

第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 研究架構與研究假設 21
第二節 資料來源 23
第三節 變數說明及操作 24
第四節 分析方法 28
第五節 信度分析 29

第四章 資料分析 30
第一節 「查詢健康資訊」行為分析 30
第二節 「使用健康管理平台」行為交叉分析 33
第三節 「查詢健康資訊」VS.「使用健康平台」交叉及相關分析 37
第四節 研究假設及說明 37

第五章 結論和建議 42
第一節 研究摘要 43
第二節 價值共創推導 44
第三節 建議 47
第四節 研究限制 49

參考文獻 50
附錄 (調查問卷題目) 73

表 1-1 健康產業的平台運用 17
表 1-2 各產業的平台運用 18
表 3 各研究構面之CRONBACH’S Α值 29
表 20 「人口統計變數、網路行為」整理表 38
表 21 「社區及社會互動」整理表 39
表 22 「個人價值」整理表 41
表 23 「價值共創」對照整理表 46
表 4 查詢健康資訊/ 使用健康管理平台 VS. 基本人口變項 53
表 5 「人口統計變數」和「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」交叉分析 56
表 6 「上網查詢其他內容」和「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」交叉分析 59
表 7 「手機使用功能」和「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」交叉分析 61
表 8 「網路行為」VS.「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」 63
表 9 「手機使用成癮」VS.「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」 63
表 10 「社區公民參與」VS.「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」 64
表 11 「社會信任與社會氛圍感知」VS.「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」 65
表 12 「社會安全及道德基礎」VS.「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」 65
表 13 「個人價值 -自我實現」VS.「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」 66
表 14 「個人價值 -幸福感及社會資本」VS.「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」 67
表 15 「個人價值 - 生活滿意度」VS.「查詢健康資訊、使用健康管理功能」 68
表 16 「基本人口變項」的羅吉斯迴歸分析 69
表 17 「查詢健康資訊」VS. 「使用健康管理功能」相關性分析 72
表 18 「查詢健康資訊」VS. 「使用健康管理功能」相關性分析 72
表 19 「查詢健康資訊」VS. 「使用健康管理功能」相關性分析 72

保誠人壽 Pulse網站 https://www.wedopulse.com/tw

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