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研究生(外文):GAO, PEI-SYUAN
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis and Study of Trois Poèmes de Louise de Vilmorin, FP 91, by Francis Poulenc
指導教授(外文):WU, MING-CHING
口試委員(外文):Shen, Mei-LingHong, Pei-Chi
外文關鍵詞:PoulencVilmorinTrois Poèmes de Louise de Vilmorin
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法蘭西斯.浦朗克(Francis Poulenc, 1899-1963)出生於法國巴黎,為二十世紀重要的作曲家之一,同時也是「法國六人組」(Les Six)的一員,作曲手法採用「新古典樂派」(Neo-classicism)風格,使用巴洛克與古典樂派的傳統結構,並加入浪漫樂派的優美旋律,讓人回味無窮。從未進入音樂院學習的他,透過對於音樂的敏銳觀察力,發展出個人特色。浦朗克歷經兩次世界大戰、父母早逝,中年又遭逢好友驟逝,在他多舛的一生中,留下許多不同類型的作品,包含管弦樂曲、協奏曲、室內樂曲、鋼琴曲等器樂作品以及合唱曲、歌劇與藝術歌曲等聲樂作品,另外也有創作芭蕾舞劇,在這眾多的作品中又以「藝術歌曲」( Mélodie)為創作之最大宗,多達150多首。

浦朗克一生結識多位女性藝術家,被她們不受世俗束縛的大膽展現所影響,使得他特別對擁有獨立想法的女性著迷。也促使他創作了以女性主義為主軸的作品《蒂麗西亞的乳房》(Les Mamelles de Tirésias, 1947)、使用女性視角講述的《露易絲.拉朗的三首詩》(Trois chansons de Louise Lalanne, FP 57, 1931),以及本文所要探討的《薇爾慕涵的三首詩》(Trois Poèmes de Louise de Vilmorin, FP 91, 1937)等。

《薇爾慕涵的三首詩》為浦朗克於1937年創作,靈感來自詩人薇爾慕涵為浦朗克的好友—波里納克(Marie-Blanche de Polignac, 1897-1958)所創作的《給白色護衛隊的軍官》(Aux Officers de la Garde Blanche, 1936),當中因薇爾慕涵感情生活的不順遂,而反映在其詩中毫不保留的描寫情人之間的生活,讓對情感壓抑的浦朗克深深地被觸動,而浦朗克與薇爾慕涵保有的特殊情誼,也促使他向薇爾慕涵邀約更多的作品,其中以〈列日市的男孩〉(Le garçon de Liège)、〈在遠方〉(Au-delà!)以及〈給白色護衛隊的軍官〉(Aux Officers de la Garde Blanche)結合成為《薇爾慕涵的三首詩》。


Francis Poulenc (1899-1963), one of the most eminent composers of the 20th century, was born in Paris, France. He was a member of the “Les Six,” who produced timeless works in neo-classicism style inspired by the traditional structure of Baroque music and the earlier classical period but infused with the beautiful melodies of the romantic era. Although Francis never received a formal musical education at a conservatory, he developed his distinct style through his keen observations and talent. He lived through two world wars, the early demise of both parents, and the loss of many close friends during his middle age. He left many different types of works throughout his tumultuous life, including orchestral pieces, concertos, chamber music, piano compositions, and other instrumental music works. He also produced notable vocal music such as choral musics, operas, melodie songs, and ballets. Among his many works, “melodie songs” are his most prolific, with more than 150 pieces throughout his career.

Poulenc was acquainted with many female artists throughout his life and was deeply drawn to their bold display of freedom from secular constraints, which made him especially fascinated by women with independent thoughts. It also prompted him to create the feminist work Les Mamelles de Tirésias (1947), and Trois chansons de Louise Lalanne (FP 57, 1931), as well as Trois Poèmes de Louise de Vilmorin (FP 91, 1937), which will be discussed in this paper.

Trois Poèmes de Louise de Vilmorin (The Three Poems of Louise de Vilmorin) was composed by Poulenc in 1937 and was inspired by the poetic work Aux Officers de la Garde Blanche (1936) written by Louise de Vilmorin for Marie-Blanche de Polignac (1897-1958), a close friend of Poulenc. In the poem, Vilmorin’s rocky relationships are reflected in the unreserved description of the life between lovers. Poulenc, who was emotionally repressed, was deeply touched. His special friendship with Vilmorin also prompted him to invite her to produce more works. Her works Le garçon de Liège, Au-delà! and Aux Officers de la Garde Blanche are together known as the “The Three Poems of Louise de Vilmorin.”

This article will be divided into four chapters: The first chapter explores Poulenc’s style and characteristics through his background and growth as a composer. The second chapter introduces many female artists who have influenced the composer throughout his life and discusses the process of his acquaintance with the poet Louise de Vilmorin. Then the reason behind Poulenc’s fascination with Vilmorin’s poems is explored in-depth. The third chapter analyzes the composition and verses of Trois Poèmes de Louise de Vilmorin. It examines how the composer closely integrates the allegorical meaning of the poem with the melody. The fourth chapter summarizes and concludes the key topics explored in this paper.

摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
譜目錄 VI
第一章 作曲家浦朗克的生涯以及其藝術歌曲概述 1
第一節 生平簡介 1
第二節 風格特色 6
第三節 法文藝術歌曲概述 17
第二章 影響浦朗克的女性藝術家概述與詩人薇爾慕涵生平簡介 19
第一節 影響浦朗克的女性藝術家概述 19
第二節 薇爾慕涵生平簡介 22
第三章 《薇爾慕涵的三首詩》樂曲分析 25
第一節 創作背景 25
第二節 〈列日市的男孩〉 28
第三節 〈在遠方〉 42
第四節 〈白色護衛隊的軍官〉 50
第四章 結語 57
參考書目 58

一、 外文書目

Bernac, Pierre. Francis Poulenc The Man & His Songs. Trans. Winifred Radford. New. York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc., 1977.

_______. The Interpretation of French Song. Trans. Winifred Radford. New York: Norton & Company Inc., 1970.

Chimènes, Myriam. Francis Poulenc: Music, Art and Literature. Edited by Sidney Buckland. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999.

Deeter, Alissa and Robert Peavler. The Mélodies of Francis Poulenc: A Study Guide. New York: Scarecrow Press, 2013.

Dubal, David. The Art of the Piano: Its Performers, Literature, and Recordings. Oregon: Amadeus Press, 2004.

Emmons, Shirlee and Wilbur Watkins Lewis. Researching the Song: A Lexicon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Ivry, Benjamin. Francis Poulenc. London: Phaidon, 1996.

Kimball, Carol. Song: A Guide to Art Song and Literature. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2006.

Nichols, Roger. Poulenc: A Biography. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020

Schmidt, Carl B. Entrancing Muse: A Documented Biography of Francis Poulenc. New
York: Pendragon Press, 2001.

Southon, Nicolas. Francis Poulenc: Articles and Interviews: Notes from the Heart. Edited by Roger Nichols. London & New York: Routledge, 2014

二、 網頁資料

Johnson, Graham. “Chanson d'amour, Op. 27, No 1, Introduction.” (2005). Accessed October 1, 2020. https://www.hyperion-records.co.uk/dw.asp?dc=W1699_GBAJY0533511.

_______. “Poulenc: The Life in the Songs.” (June 23, 2020). Accessed October 1, 2020. https://books.google.com.tw/books?id=zymfDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Poulenc:+The+Life+in+the+Songs&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUyPeQtdfsAhVlKqYKHfpqAmcQuwUwAHoECAYQCQ#v=onepage&q=Poulenc%3A%20The%20Life%20in%20the%20Songs&f=false.

Roberson, Jessica. “What, Prithee, Is a Poetess?” (April 2018). Accessed October 1, 2020. https://daily.jstor.org/poetess.

Moller, Nathalie “How Six Women Influenced the Music of Francis Poulenc.” (September 2019). Accessed October 1, 2020. https://www.francemusique.fr/en/how-six-women- inspired-music-francis-poulenc-22631.

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