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論文名稱(外文):Has Globalization Changed the Way Financial and Non-Financial Institutions Make Use of Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures?
中文關鍵詞:傳統金融 戰略聯盟 金融科技
外文關鍵詞:strategic alliance joint venture fintech
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This study attempts to add to the body of literature on strategic alliances and joint ventures between financial and non-financial partners and how it affects the wealth of shareholders. To distinguish it from previous literature we make use of the event of globalization, to determine the effect it has if any on joint ventures and strategic alliances especially in the international market. To that effect, we find investors show a strong preference toward joint ventures, as it creates value for them. We also find that traditional finance that conduct joint ventures and strategic alliances create added value for their shareholders. We find that the trend in Gleason et al (2006) still holds and that preference still holds. It is important to note that this development stage of this phenomenon and as such the determinants of this value creation or loss may need more time to be established. There also were some problems with the event windows as some events were established on non-trading days.
Title Page . i
Letter of Approval ii
Abstract in Chinese .iii
Abstract in English .iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents . vi
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Fintech 5
2.2 Strategic alliances and joint ventures 7
2.3 Financial and non-financial mergers and alliances 7
2.4 Trends in fintech 10
2.5 Closely related literature 11
2.6 Contribution to the literature 13
3. Hypotheses 13
3.1 Hypothesis 1 14
3.2 Hypothesis 2 14
4. Research Method 14
4.1 Sample selection 14
4.2 Classification of business type 16
4.3 Event Study 21
4.4 Variables definition 23
4.5 Econometric Approach 29
5. Results 31
5.1 The determinants of positive value creation on abnormal returns 31
5.2 The deal determinants and which are significant after control 38
6. Conclusion 42
References 43

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