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研究生(外文):LIOU, YU-CHENG
論文名稱(外文):The Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Group-Based Cognitive and Psychosocial Intervention Program: A Preliminary Trial in Non-Demented Community-Dwelling Older Adults
指導教授(外文):HSU, YEN-HSUAN
外文關鍵詞:cognitive interventionpsychosocial interventionmild cognitive impairmentsubjective cognitive declinepsychosocial outcomes
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研究背景 在高齡化社會中,高齡者的主觀與客觀認知缺損是很常見的。不論是針對病態退化或正常老化族群的介入,相關的認知介入療效已受到實證研究支持。然而,輕度認知障礙與主觀認知退化的成因具有異質性,且可能受到心理社會因素的影響。過去,較少研究探討結合神經認知與心理社會成份的行為訓練方案與其療效,相關的研究並不多且存在方法學的問題、或只著重在輕度認知障礙族群。是以本研究發展團體形式的認知與心理社會介入方案,並在正常認知功能、主觀認知退化以及輕度認知障礙者中檢驗其可行性與療效。
方法 本研究共招募53位55歲以上非失智的社區高齡者,將其分派到介入組或等待控制組,並依據完整的神經心理檢查結果再區分為正常認知、主觀認知退化以及輕度認知障礙三個子族群。在介入組中,每四到八位受試者組成一個訓練團體,參與每次兩小時、一週一次、為期八週的訓練,期間接受心理衛教、接受再生性與補償性的認知訓練、練習心理社會技巧、並進行相關議題的團體討論。介入組與控制組均接受前、後測,兩次評估間隔約八週,評估客觀認知表現與主觀心理社會狀態,以檢驗團體療效。
結果 結果顯示,受訓後二十六位介入組受試者的記憶策略使用較二十七位控制組受試者佳。然而,其餘客觀指標或主觀測量並無顯著介入效果。若進一步比較子族群的介入效果,則會發現在訓練後,正常認知子族群中進入介入組者在數字記憶表現的進步幅度較大;主觀認知退化子族群中接受介入者的身體層面幸福感提升較多;而輕度認知障礙子族群中接受介入者的認知策略使用頻率增加較多。此外,基準線的教育程度、整體認知功能、日常活動水準以及憂鬱症狀能夠預測訓練後在策略使用、憂慮以及幸福感上的進步。
結論 本研究結果顯示以團體形式進行的認知與心理社會介入方案具有某些療效;然而,各子族群分別在策略使用、幸福感、及客觀記憶表現的獲益程度有所不同。
Background Objective and subjective cognitive impairments among older adults are common in an aging society. The effectiveness of cognitive interventions for both neuropathological and normal aging populations has been verified. However, older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or subjective cognitive decline (SCD) are heterogeneous groups, and the clinical presentations have been shown to be affected by psychosocial variabilities. To date, the potential benefit of combing neurocognitive and psychosocial components into a behavioral training program have been under-investigated. Existing studies either demonstrate methodological limitations or focused on the MCI group. Therefore, this study aimed to develop the Group-based Cognitive and PsychoSocial Intervention Program (GCPSIP) and evaluate its feasibility and effectiveness with a mixed group of older adults with normal cognition (NC), SCD, and MCI.
Methods Fifty-three non-demented community-dwelling older adults aged 55 years or more were recruited and divided into NC, SCD, and MCI subgroups according to the results of a comprehensive neuropsychological examination. The participants were further assigned to either the intervention condition or the waiting-list control condition. Participants in the intervention condition received the GCPSIP training, comprising eight weekly 2-hour group-based training sessions. Each group consisted of between four and eight participants, where psychoeducation, cognitive and psychosocial intervention, and group discussion were conducted. Pre- and post-training assessments were performed for participants in the intervention condition, while participants in the control condition also received two assessments with compatible time intervals.
Results Participants in the intervention condition (n = 26) outperformed those in the waiting-list control condition (n = 27) regarding the use of memory strategies. However, there were no significant overall intervention effects for other subjective indicators and objective measurements. Compared with their counterparts in the control condition, further analyses of the intervention effect on different subgroups revealed that the NC subgroup who received intervention demonstrated greater improvement in digit memory, the SCD subgroup who received the intervention reported better physical well-being, and the MCI subgroup who received intervention rated a more frequent use of cognitive strategies after training. Furthermore, education level, global cognition, leisure activities, and depressive symptoms at baseline could predict some intervention-related changes, including strategy use, worry, and well-being.
Conclusion These results demonstrate some benefits of the GCPSIP in strategy use, well-being, and memory. However, the effectiveness varied according to different subgroups.
Introduction 1
Intervention studies 3
Cognition Intervention: Restorative Approach 4
Cognitive Intervention: Compensatory Approach 5
Cognitive Intervention: Combination of Restorative and Compensatory Training 7
Psychoeducation 10
Psychosocial Intervention: Group Discussion and Relaxation 11
Summary 13
Purpose and Hypothesis 14
Methods 15
Participants 15
Procedure 15
Neuropsychological Tests 18
Intervention Program 18
Pilot Study 18
Overview of the Four Main Sections in the Formal GCPSIP 19
Waiting list Controls 22
Outcome Measurement 22
Self-reported Questionnaires 22
Short-answer Quiz 24
Objective Cognition Tasks 24
Statistical Analyses 26
Results 28
Baseline Characteristics 28
Intervention Format, Adherence to Intervention, and Dropouts in both Conditions 30
Pretest 32
Intervention effect 35
Self-reported Questionnaires 35
Short-answer Quiz 42
Objective Cognition Tasks 42
Intervention Effect Between Subgroups 44
Self-reported Questionnaires 44
Short-answer Quiz 53
Objective Cognition Tasks 53
Predictors of intervention-related changes 58
Acceptances and satisfaction 62
Discussion 63
Reference 68
Appendix 1 87
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