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研究生(外文):WU, SHU-HAN
論文名稱(外文):Effects of fire extinguishing agents on microbial activities and plant growth in soil environment
外文關鍵詞:fire extinguishing agentsoil environmentbiological toxicitymicrobial activityplant growth
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滅火劑廣泛用於滅火和控制火災,然而滅火劑使用過程中其化學成分可能經由各種途徑釋放進入土壤,進而影響土壤中微生物的數量與活性、植物生長等,評估滅火劑對土壤生態環境之影響,亦為評估滅火劑之環境風險的重要因素與指標。本研究比較4種滅火劑,包括:蓄壓式乾粉滅火器(Accumulated dry powder fire extinguisher,ADPF)、機械泡沫滅火器(Pressed dry powder fire extinguisher,MFF)、強化液滅火器(Enhanced liquid fire extinguisher,ELF)與二氧化碳滅火器(Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher,CDF),模擬火災現場噴灑至2種試驗土壤(台南市歸仁系Ku土壤、南投縣名間鄉大崎腳系CTg紅壤),評估滅火劑對土壤環境中微生物活性及植物生長之影響。主要成果分述如下:

Fire extinguishing agents are widely used to extinguish and control fires. However, their chemical components might release into the soil through various pathway during using fire extinguishing agents. Those agents would affect the microbial numbers, microbial activities and plant growth in soil. Evaluation the impact of fire extinguishing agents on the soil ecological environment is also an important indicator for evaluating the environmental risks of fire extinguishing agents. Four fire extinguishing agents (including accumulated dry powder fire extinguisher (ADPF), mechanical foam fire extinguisher (MFF), enhanced liquid fire extinguisher (ELF) and carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (CDF)) were sprayed to 2 test soils (Ku soil in Tainan City and CTg red soil in Nantou County), to simulate the fire scene and to evaluate the microbial activities and plant growth in soil. The main results were as following:
1.ADPF agent and its diluent inhibited could inhibit the growth of lettuce seeds on obviously. ELF agent had obvious inhibitory effect on lettuce seeds, the inhibitory effect was greatly reduced when diluted to a certain rate. The biological toxicity of MFF and CDF fire extinguishing agent were lower;
2.In this study, addition of ADPF and ELF agents to Ku and CTg soil columns would be compared. The eluent had a strong inhibitory effect on the germination and growth of lettuce seeds in the initial period. The initial eluent from soil column with addition of MFF and CDF agents inhibits seed growth of lettuce slightly;
3.Test soils with addition of fire extinguishing agents incubated at 28°C. The results indicated that inhibition of microbial activity in the initial period when MFF agent in Ku soil and ELF agent in CTg red soil. The total number of fungi and actinomycetes decreased slightly in the initial period;
4.In pot experiments, there were different effects on plant growth when adding various types of fire extinguishing agents and biochars. Adding ADPF and CDF fire extinguishing agents could inhibit the growth of Brassica chinensis L. CV. Ching-Geeng, especially ADPF fire extinguishing agent had the most significant inhibition. The addition of biochar could alleviate the inhibitory effect of plant growth by CDF fire extinguishing agent.

摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 火災 3
2-2 滅火器 4
2-3 滅火劑影響 5
2-4 生物炭 6
第三章 研究設備與方法 7
3-1. 研究架構 7
3-2 滅火劑之選擇與溶液配置 7
3-3 生物毒性試驗 13
3-4 管柱淋洗試驗 14
3-5 土壤樣品微生物活性測定 15
3-6 土壤總微生物試驗 17
3-7 試驗土壤作物栽培 19
3-8 分析方法 20
3-8-1 酸鹼值測定 20
3-8-2 電導度測定 20
3-8-3 有機質測定 21
第四章 結果與討論 23
4-1 滅火劑之植物毒性試驗 23
4-2 土壤管柱淋洗液之酸鹼值變化 26
4-3 土壤管柱淋洗液之 EC 值變化 28
4-4 土壤管柱淋洗液之總有機碳含量變化 30
4-5 土壤管柱淋洗液之生物毒性 33
4-6 土壤管柱淋洗液之萵苣種子生長之影響 35
4-7 滅火劑對土壤微生物活性之影響 39
4-8 滅火劑對土壤微生物數量之影響 43
4-9.滅火劑盆栽試驗對栽培作物之影響 47
4-9-1 土壤酸鹼值變化 47
4-9-2 土壤電導度變化 51
4-9-3 土壤有機質變化 55
4-9-4 土壤微生物活性 59
4-9-5 植體栽培之株高變化 63
4-9-6 植體栽培之葉片數變化 67
4-9-7 植體之鮮乾重 71
第五章 結論 73
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