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論文名稱(外文):Analysis on the Applicability of Coast Guard Agencies Using Drones in Criminal Investigation-Taking the United States as an Example
指導教授(外文):YEH,YUN – HU
外文關鍵詞:DronesTechnology investigationMarine criminal investigationHot pursuitBoarding
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隨著各國主張海域權利的擴張,海上無人飛行載具 (UAV) 在各種海洋活動中的執法使用越來越多,而一國之海域係該國與其他國家鄰接之區域,在國際法上此等海域涉及國家主權、國家權利與義務甚繁,各國對於其海洋權益各有其主張,這引發了有關這些機具如何適用於現有國際海洋法制的挑戰性問題,無人機的部署之國際法律限制,最主要涉及國際法議題即「緊追」及「登臨」權之適用,本文亦將無人機於海上犯罪偵查所涉及緊追權及登臨權要件逐一檢視其適法性,確立是否無人機能成為緊追權及登臨權實施之主體而使執法者有所依循。

As technology developed, the method criminals use have become more and more agile and novel. The way authority used on criminal justice need to be adjusted and updated as well. Criminal justice are more likely to use technology investigation more and more frequently in nowadays. The benefits are obvious, saving man resources and get precise evidences. New technology investigation way like drones, which used in most commercial cases before, but now are getting a more significant role in criminal justice. Drones can be remote-controlled and collect evidences in a higher view from the scene immediately and hardly to be found by suspects. By transmitting images and GPS location simultaneously, we can recreate the crime scene.
In order to enhance the technology investigation energy. Coast Guard Administration had built unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV which also been called drones) to construct a 3-dimmentions investigating model and can be used on all scenarios like land, air or sea. This technology investigation had brought us into a higher level on criminal justice, however the debates on whether it violates human rights or not and should the evidence get legal basis are quite fierce. The purpose of this thesis is trying to discuss about 3 topics which are “ the violate on human rights and privacy”, “the legal basis of evidence” and “ will the use of UAV on sea changes the law basis and boundaries compared with land ”. Compared to Taiwan, the history of using UAV on criminal justice of USA is much longer and have lots of precedents and theories. This thesis is trying to discuss and compare those precedents, theories and investigation systems of USA on using UAV in criminal justice. And will further try to conclude suggestions about the legal basis reforms of using UAV on criminal justice on the sea in Taiwan.
As all nations are becoming more and more active on expanding their legal claims of maritime rights. UAV are used more and more frequently on law enforcement in various maritime activities. Nations are having difference on the boundary of legal rights on maritime areas. It had further caused issues on sovereignty that both rights and obligation are becoming more and more hardship and challenging on existing architecture. The using of UAV on law enforcement is facing the applicability on international law. The “Hot pursuit” and “Boarding” are the two-core topic involved that the legality and execution this thesis tries to inference and conclude.

謝 誌
摘 要
第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究範圍與限制
第一項 研究範圍
第二項 研究限制
第三節 研究方法與流程
第一項 研究方法
第二項 研究流程
第貳章 美國無人機犯罪偵查之適法性研析
第一節 無人機犯罪偵查性質與搜索
第二節 科技執法-搜索概念與實務見解演進
第一項 以財產權侵害定義搜索
第二項 以合理隱私期待侵害定義搜索
第三項 財產權及隱私權基準併行
第三節 無人機犯罪偵查之於美國內國法搜索的適用
第一項 衛星定位功能運用於犯罪偵查
第二項 高空/遠距攝像功能運用於犯罪偵查
第三項 無人機運用於海上犯罪偵查
第四節 小結
第參章 我國海巡機關以無人機犯罪偵查適法性
第一節 海巡機關無人機犯罪偵查運用概況
第一項 海巡機關無人機功能介紹
第二項 海上無人機之犯罪偵查運用
第二節 司法警察使用無人機偵查犯罪之法律依據
第一項 刑事訴訟法
第二項 通訊保障及監察法
第三項 警察職權行使法
第四項 個人資料保護法
第三節 海巡人員使用無人機偵查犯罪之法律依據
第一項 海岸巡防法之授權與司法警察身分之取得
第二項 海巡機關國家安全考量下之刑事偵查職權
第三項 海巡機關海上無人機犯罪偵查之適法性
第四節 小結
第肆章 海上無人機偵查犯罪運用之國際法適用
第一節 海上偵查犯罪與海上刑事管轄權
第二節 海上無人機偵查犯罪之國際法適用
第一項 海上無人機法律地位
第二項 緊追權的適用
第三項 登臨權的適用
第三節 海上無人機犯罪偵查緊追登臨案例
第四節 小結
第伍章 結論與建議
第一節 結 論
第二節 建 議

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