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研究生(外文):WU, ZHEN-AN
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Chinese Mainland ro-ro Cargo Ships on The Mode of Strategic Use of Taiwan's Defense System
中文關鍵詞:滾裝貨輪中國動員法國際港防衛系統SWOT 策略分析
外文關鍵詞:Ro-Ro cargo shipsChina Mobilization LawInternational PortDefense SystemSWOT Strategy Analysis
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自 1949 年以來,中國大陸從不曾放棄以武力犯台作為完成統一大業的手段之一,並持續強化軍事整備及灰色地帶行為襲擾,對我國防安全威脅與日俱增,包含近年逐步 推動國防建設,與自2015年開始的軍事改革,至2020年已基本完成軍隊領導指揮體制、部隊兵力結構改革,期在 2035年達成基本實現國防和軍隊現代化,並且具備對臺灣作戰優勢及抗衡外軍能力,以對我國防衛安全造成嚴峻之挑戰。中國大陸過去一直以來無 法突破載運大量重型武器裝備與武裝人員的運輸能力,但是至2017年始,中國大陸已透過軍管民用船舶-滾裝貨輪來突破無法載運大量裝備與人員之窘境,達成大量投送貨 物與人,裝穿越台灣海峽之目的。

依中國大陸之中華人民共和國國防動員法規定,國家決定實施國防動員後,儲備物資無法及時滿足動員所需,縣級以上的中國大陸政府單位可以依法對民用資源進行徵用,而且預估將超過 37 餘艘以上具有大量運輸能力之滾裝貨輪,可能被徵收軍用。自2019年以來多次的中國大陸大型軍演,皆可看見軍管民用之滾裝貨輪接受徵用於載運重裝備的身影,且部分經改裝之滾裝船可運載至????50輛ZTD-05兩棲突擊車,其大量運載能力,已對我國防衛作戰構成相當程度之威脅。

台灣本島國際港口計有五處,其中以高雄港、臺中港與臺北港碼頭數量較多、港區腹地較大且聯外道路較為完整,若遭敵奪佔,並使用各類型滾貨完成武器裝備及武裝人 員之儰裝卸貨,將對我國安全防衛造成重大影響。本文即針對中國滾裝貨輪發展現況、軍用演訓運用及對我國西部國際港口之威脅,利用情境模式分析、SWOT 與 TOWS策略分析,並整合情監偵手段、強化先期制海能力與完備固封守港等作為,以剖析對我防衛系統之影響,並提出整合現有地面軍力與情資、對敵航母進行制壓、鞏固與開拓軍購市場、善用守勢之利持續戰場經營、持續鞏固國際關係等重要攻略,以及整合情監偵手 段盡早預警、加強避戰、完備封毀港作為等重要防守策略,可供我軍採用及應對,俾利防範中國解放軍可能採取之軍事威脅活動,提高我軍作戰之成功機會。

關鍵詞:滾裝貨輪、中國動員法、國際港、防衛系統、SWOT 策略分析
Since 1949, the Chinese mainland has never given up using force to invade Taiwan as one of the means to accomplish the great cause of reunification, and has continued to strengthen military reorganization and harassment in gray areas, which is a growing threat to China's national defense and security, including the gradual promotion of national defense construction in recent years, the military reform that began in 2015, and the reform of the army's leadership and command system and the structure of the army's troop strength by 2020, and it is expected to achieve the basic realization of national defense and army modernization by 2035, and has the combat superiority over Taiwan and the ability to resist foreign forces to pose a serious challenge to our national defense and security. In the past, China has been unable to break through the transportation capacity of carrying a large number of heavy weapons and equipment and armed personnel, but since 2017, the Chinese mainland has broken through the dilemma of not being able to carry a large number of equipment and personnel through military-managed civilian ships - Ro-Ro cargo ships, and achieved the purpose of delivering a large number of goods and people and loading them through the Taiwan Strait.

According to the provisions of the National Defense Mobilization Law of the People's Republic of China Chinese mainland, after the state decides to implement national defense mobilization, the reserve materials cannot meet the mobilization needs in a timely manner, and the Chinese government units at or above the county level may requisition civilian resources in accordance with the law, and it is estimated that more than 37 ro-ro cargo ships with a large amount of transportation capacity may be expropriated for military use. Since 2019, many large-scale military exercises in China can be seen that military-controlled and civilian Ro-Ro cargo ships have been requisitioned for carrying heavy equipment, and some modified Ro-Ro ships can carry at least 50 ZTD-05 amphibious assault vehicles, and their large carrying capacity has posed a considerable degree of threat to China's defense operations.

There are five international ports on the main island of Taiwan, of which the ports of Kaohsiung, Taichung and Taipei have a relatively large number of terminals, the hinterland of the port area is large, and the roads outside the united countries are relatively complete; if they are seized by the enemy and various types of goods are used to complete the loading and unloading of weapons and equipment and armed personnel, it will have a major impact on China's security and defense. This paper aims at the current development of China's Ro-Ro cargo ships, the use of military training and the threat to China's western international ports, using scenario model analysis, SWOT and TOWERS strategic analysis, and integrating intelligence supervision and investigation methods, strengthening the early sea control capability and complete sealing and defending the port, etc., in order to analyze the impact on China's defense system, and put forward important strategies such as integrating existing ground military strength and intelligence resources, suppressing enemy aircraft carriers, consolidating and opening up the arms purchase market, making good use of the advantages of defensive positions to continue battlefield operations, and continuously consolidating international relations. As well as the integration of intelligence supervision and investigation means to warn as soon as possible, strengthen war avoidance, and complete the sealing and destruction of ports, and other important defensive strategies can be adopted and responded to by our army, so as to prevent the military threat activities that the Chinese People's Liberation Army may take and improve the chances of success of our army's operations.

Keywords: Ro-Ro cargo ships, China Mobilization Law, International Port, Defense System, SWOT Strategy Analysis
摘要 I
目錄 V
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 7
1.3 研究範圍 7
1.4 研究流程與架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 中國大陸滾裝貨輪發展概況 9
2.2中國大陸滾裝貨輪法源與結構配置 11
2.3 中國大陸滾裝貨輪現況與能量 15
2.4 中國大陸滾裝貨輪作戰事證 28
第三章 研究設計與方法 29
3-1 質性研究概況 29
3-2研究設計 29
第四章 結果與討論 33
4.1 我國現有主要國際港口分析 33
4.2中國大陸滾裝貨輪對我防衛系統影響-用運滾裝貨輪登陸分析 49
4.3 臺灣於防衛系統因應策略分析 57
4.4 情境模式分析 65
4.5 運用策略分析工具 SWOT 與 TOWS 分析 71
第五章 結論與建議 75
5.1 研究發現 76
5.2 建議 76
參考文獻 81
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