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論文名稱(外文):Research on Converting 3D Model of Interior Design based on Generative Adversarial Network
外文關鍵詞:Generative Adversarial Network(GAN)Interior designPix2pixCycleGAN3D model3D dynamic simulation drawingBlank model
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The interior design industry is an indispensable part of the industry today. Many times, customers want to see the real appearance of their houses before decorating their houses. At this time, the interior design industry will provide realistic pictures for customers as a For reference, the immersive map is drawn using modeling software. The modeling steps are to first design a plane, then pull it up to become a prime model, and then draw a 3D model with materials, colors and lights from the prime model, and finally use the rendering software to render the 3D model into a 3D simulation. real picture. However, it takes a lot of time and visual thinking in the process of drawing from the original model to the 3D realistic drawing. With the development of time, the technology of artificial intelligence has also become very mature. If the design of the simulation map can be made by artificial intelligence, it will save a lot of time and technical requirements such as visual thinking. In this paper, we use the generative adversarial network as the basis to learn the modeling of interior design, and directly convert the original model into a 3D realistic image. We first use SketchUp to collect a large number of indoor images, and use Pix2pix and CycleGAN to train the images. Adjust different training times according to the situation, analyze the best results and compare them with the pictures rendered by V-Ray. The experimental results show that Pix2pix has a good performance for the conversion of pixel simulation and simulation images. In contrast, CycleGAN is not suitable for the conversion of pixel simulation and simulation images. After comparing the best result generated with the realistic image rendered by V-Ray, it can be found that the image generated by the generative adversarial network model can indeed automatically design the room, the generation speed is also very fast, and the overall architecture is also very clear , but in contrast to the pictures rendered by V-Ray, the details of the pictures generated by the generative adversarial network are not so obvious. Finally, we hope that through the experiments of this paper, we can quickly convert the original model into a realistic image, solve the problems of time, technology, and money, so that people who have no design ability can also obtain the required images.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 室內設計三維模型 6
2.2 卷積神經網路(Convolutional Neural Network) 7
2.3 生成對抗網路(Generative Adversarial Network,GAN) 9
2.4 條件式生成對抗網路(conditional GAN,cGAN) 10
2.5 Pix2pix(圖像翻譯) 11
2.6 循環式生成對抗網路(CycleGAN) 14
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 研究架構 16
3.2 資料蒐集 17
3.3 資料前處理 19
3.4 以Pix2Pix為基礎進行三維素模的轉換 20
3.5 以CycleGAN進行圖像風格轉換 23
3.6 參數設定 27
3.7 模型評估 28
第四章 實驗結果與分析 29
4.1 實驗環境 29
4.2 以Pix2pix為基礎的三維模型轉換結果 30
4.3 以 CylceGAN為基礎的三維模型轉換結果 42
4.4 實驗結果與訓練資料進行比較 48
第五章 結論與未來展望 52
5.1 結論 52
5.2 未來展望 55
參考文獻 57

圖1 1 室內設計素模 2
圖1 2 室內設計3D模型 3
圖1 3 室內設計3D擬真圖 3
圖1 4 三維立面圖像轉換為擬真的照片 4
圖2 1為SketchUp所建立的三維模型 7
圖2 2卷積層操作簡易架構 8
圖2 3為2x2平均池化層與最大值池化層 9
圖2 4自動編碼器簡易網路架構示意圖 10
圖2 5生成對抗網路的基本架構 10
圖2 6 cGAN基本架構 11
圖2 7 U-net基本架構 13
圖2 8 PatchGAN基本架構 13
圖2 9 Pix2Pix實際應用的範例圖 13
圖2 10 CycleGAN基本架構圖 15
圖2 11 CycleGAN應用範例 15
圖3 1研究流程圖 17
圖3 2素模與相同角度的擬真圖片 18
圖3 3水平翻轉過後的圖片 19
圖3 4將成對資料合併為256x512的新圖片 20
圖3 5 CycleGAN目標函式 23
圖4 1 實驗1生成結果細節處 34
圖4 2 實驗1生成結果產生雜訊處 34
圖4 3 epoch400次時牆壁紋路已成形 37
圖4 4 epoch400次時門的邊緣較為銳化 37
圖4 5 epoch400次時能夠生成出門把 38
圖4 6 第500次epoch生成出第三個門把 41
圖4 7 書桌epoch400次與epoch500次對比 41
圖4 8 臥室epoch400次與epoch500次對比 42

表 1 編碼器詳細架構 21
表 2 解碼器詳細架構 21
表 3判別器詳細架構 22
表 4 生成器G編碼器詳細架構 24
表 5 生成器F編碼器詳細架構 24
表 6 生成器G解碼器詳細架構 24
表 7 生成器F解碼器架構 25
表 8 判別器詳細架構 26
表 9 參數設定 27
表 10 硬體設備及實驗環境 29
表 11 Pix2pix實驗數據 30
表 12 實驗1結果 31
表 13 epoch300次與epoch400次的比較 34
表 14 epoch400次與epoch500次的比較 38
表 15 CycleGAN實驗數據 42
表 16 實驗2結果 43
表 17 ecpoh300次與ecpoh400次的結果比較 46
表 18 Pix2pix生成結果與V-Ray渲染結果比較 49
表 19 對Pix2pix最佳結果進行分析 52

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