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論文名稱(外文):Thermomechanical Properties and Thermal Stress Prediction Model of Optical Multilayer Thin Films
指導教授(外文):TIEN, CHUEN-LIN
外文關鍵詞:residual stresstemperature gradientthermal expansion coefficientelastic modulus
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In order to investigate the thermal stress, thermal expansion coefficient, and biaxial modulus of single-layer thin films and multilayer interference filters, a thermal stress prediction model for multilayer films is proposed, which can be used to estimate the thermal stress of multilayer films through experimental methods. An improved Twyman-Green interferometer was used to measure the film residual stress change at different temperatures. Using dual-substrate method, the thermal stress of thin films at different temperatures was measured, and then the thermal expansion coefficient and biaxial modulus of thin film were analyzed. Considering the influence of temperature gradient, the modified thermal stress formula is used, both the thermal expansion coefficient and biaxial modulus of multilayer thin film filters are modified to improve the accuracy.The experimental results show that the thermal expansion coefficient of the multi-layer film filters coated with different high refractive index and low refractive index films is close to that of the substrates, which compared with the single-layer thin films. In the thermal stress prediction model, the modified Vegard formula improves the accuracy by adding a correction term. The difference between the measured and predicted values is less than 10%.

第一章 緒論
第二章 基本原理
第三章 實驗方法與儀器
3.2.3表面輪廓儀(Alpha Step)
第四章 實驗結果與討論
4.1 單層膜的殘留應力及熱應力特性檢測
4.1.1 SiO2薄膜
4.1.2 MgF2薄膜
4.1.3 Nb2O5薄膜
4.1.4 TiO2薄膜
4.1.5 單層介電薄膜熱應力誤差分析
4.2 多層膜的殘留應力及熱應力特性檢測
4.3 多層膜熱應力預估模型
第五章 結論
5.1 研究成果
5.2 未來展望

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