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研究生(外文):Cheng , Mei-Feng
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Metabolic Syndrome Health Education on Knowledge, Attitude, Self-Efficacy and Behaviors for Vocational High School Students
口試委員(外文):Chwo , Miao-JuLiu , Fang
外文關鍵詞:obesitymetabolic syndromehealth and nursing coursesbody mass indexadolescents
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The purpose of this study was to explore the physical and physiological data of all the study samples after the semester of the “Health and Nursing Course” for adolescents in a public high-level industrial vocational school in the north, and involved in the “metabolic syndrome-related knowledge”: including height and weight, blood pressure, waist circumference, and questionnaires for basic knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy and behavior of metabolic syndrome-related programs. The study design was conducted in a cross-sectional and two-group study before and after the intervention group and the control group. In conjunction with the "Health and Nursing Course", a compulsory course for senior secondary schools from September 2007 to January 108, the course will involve seven weeks of "metabolic syndrome-related knowledge" during the two sessions. The study questionnaire included basic information, personal and family history of illness, history of physical examination, basic knowledge of metabolic syndrome, and attitudes toward prevention, self-efficacy, and behavior in metabolic syndrome. A total of 348 cases were collected in this study, including 196 in the intervention group and 152 in the control group. After the intervention group received the "Health and Nursing Course" to participate in the seven-week "Metabolic Syndrome-related Knowledge Advocacy" course, the results of the knowledge of metabolic syndrome were significantly different, and the effectiveness of knowledge was the best, followed by self-efficacy, behavior, and attitude. The scores for self-efficacy and preventive behavior were higher than the pretest, but there was no difference in attitude and personal health physiological data. There is indeed a correlation between the display of research samples and the need to translate the knowledge of metabolic syndrome that has been learned into healthy behavior.
中文摘要 ii
第一章緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究問題 5
第四節 研究假設 5
第二章文獻探討 7
第一節 代謝症候群的定義與診斷標準 7
第二節 青少年的代謝症候群與肥胖 9
第三節 代謝症候群預防介入策略 12
第四節 衛生教育介入策略對知識、態度、自我效能與行為之影響 16
第五節 名詞解釋 19
第三章研究方法 21
第一節 研究設計與架構 21
第二節 研究對象、招募取樣方法 22
第三節 研究工具 22
第四節 研究實施步驟 28
第五節 研究變項之操作型定義 28
第六節 資料處理與統計方法 30
第四章研究結果 31
第一節 介入組、控制組前測資料描述與差異比較 31
第二節 介入組與控制組之組內前、後測差異比較 35
第三節 健康與護理課程介入後學生健康生理狀態數據差異比較 38
第五章 討論 39
第一節 討論 39
第二節 研究限制 44
第六章 結論與建議 45
第一節 研究結論 45
第二節 建議 45
圖目錄 48
圖1 胰島素阻抗機轉 48
圖2 Becker個人健康信念模式 49
圖3 研究架構 50
圖4 腰圍測量方法 51
表目錄 52
表1 兒童及青少年生長身體質量指數建議值 52
表2 國際糖尿病聯盟兒童和青少年代謝症候群診斷標準(2007) 53
表3 各國種族腰圍切點參考值 54
表4 研究設計及步驟 55
表5-1 介入組與控制組前測資料之分布表 57
表5-2 介入組與控制組的生活習性分布表 60
表5-3 介入組預防代謝症候群的知識、態度、自我效能和行為問卷之前、後測比較表 61
表5-4控制組預防代謝症候群的知識、態度、自我效能和行為問卷之前、後測比較 66
表5-5 介入組後測減前測差值;控制組後測減前測差值比較表 71
表6 健康護理課程介入後成效顯著總整理 76
表7 研究樣本身體健康生理檢查數據差異比較表 78
表8 樣本母群體和臺北市及全國體重平均數比較表 80
表9 樣本母群體性別分佈表 81

參考文獻 82
中文文獻 82
西文文獻 86

附錄 90
附錄一、健康與護理課程授課綱 90
附錄三、問卷使用授權同意書 94
附錄三、問卷調查表 95
附錄四、機關同意書 100
附錄五、受試者暨家長同意書 101
附錄六、家長邀請函 105
附錄七、招募廣告海報 108
附錄八、研究流程圖 109
附錄九、IRB通過證明 110

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