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研究生(外文):HSU, SHU-CHEN
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Relationship Between Nurse Practitioners’ Grit and Job Burnout: A Correlational Study
指導教授(外文):CHEN, SHU-LI
外文關鍵詞:nurse practitionersgritjob burnoutonline survey
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結果:於2021年2月至2021年3月,使用線上問卷調查方法進行橫斷面相關性研究,以從台灣南部某地區醫院的60名專科護理師的有意願樣本中收集研究數據。依調查結果顯示,專科護理師的恆毅力與職場疲勞的全量表得分無統計上的相關性,但是恆毅力之「興趣一致」分量表得分與「工作疲勞」(r = .323)、「服務對象疲勞」(r = .359)、職場疲勞(r = .278)得分有統計上顯著正相關(p < .05)。恆毅力之「堅持努力」分量表與「工作疲勞」(r = -.301)、「服務對象疲勞」(r = -.326)、職場疲勞(r = -.281)有統計上顯著負相關(p < .05)。此外結果也顯示,專科護理師恆毅力全量表得分與其基本資料無關。但恆毅力中的「堅持努力」分量表與專科護理師年資(r = .260)、護理服務總年資(r = .259)有正相關。專科護理師職場疲勞全量表得分與護理服務總年資(r = -.262)有統計上顯著負相關。職業倦怠中的「個人疲勞」分量表與年齡(r = -.275)、專科護理師年資(r = -.256)、護理服務總年資(r = -.322)和婚姻狀況(t = -2.276)有關係。「工作疲勞」分量表與年齡(r = -.263)、護理服務總年資(r = -.322)有負相關。「工作過度投入」分量表與子女狀況 (t = 2.328)和學歷(t = -2.141)有關係。

Background: Grit has gained major attention in recent literature as it is often related to one’s ability to have the passion and perseverance for obtaining long-term goals. However, little is known as to whether similar benefits exist among nurse practitioners (NPs). Therefore, the primary purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between grit and job burnout among NPs in Taiwan. Furthermore, the study examines nine demographic variables and their relationship with grit and job burnout.
Methods: Using the purposive sampling technique, all NPs of the participating hospitals were invited to complete an anonymous electronic questionnaire. The online survey includes three research instruments, including a demographic questionnaire, the Chinese Version of Short Grit Scale (Grit-S), and an occupational burnout inventory.
Results: In February and March of 2021, a cross-sectional correlational study was conducted using an online survey questionnaire to collect data from 60 nurse practitioners from a regional hospital in southern Taiwan. Based on the survey findings from the NP participants, there is no statistically significant correlation between the total scores of Grit-S and burnout. However, the Consistency of Interest Grit-S subscale score has statistically significant positive correlations (p < .05) with work-related burnout subscale score (r = .323), client-related burnout subscale score (r = .359), and the total burnout score (r = .278). Also, the Perseverance of Effort Grit-S subscale score has statistically significant negative correlations (p < .05) with work-related burnout subscale score (r = -.301), client-related burnout subscale score (r = -.326), and the total burnout score (-.281). The study findings show no significant correlation between the Grit-S total score and any of the demographic variables. However, the Perseverance of Effort Grit-S subscale score has statistically significant positive correlations with their years of experience as NPs (r = .260) and as nurses (r = .259). The NP participants’ total burnout score is negatively related to their years of experience as nurses (r = -.262). The personal burnout subscale score is related to their age (r = -.275), years of experience as NPs (r = -.256), as nurses (r = -.322), and marital status (t = -2.276). The work-related burnout subscale score is negatively related to their age (r = -.263) and years of experience as nurses (r = -.322). The over-commitment to work burnout subscale score is related to their number of children (t = 2.328) and levels of education (t = -2.141).
Conclusion: Findings from this correlational study help better understand the relationship between Taiwanese nurse practitioners' grit and job burnout.

致謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
圖表目錄 VII
附錄目錄 IX
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題 3
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究假設 4
第五節 名詞解釋 4
第貳章 文獻探討 6
第一節 台灣專科護理師發展背景與角色功能 6
第二節 恆毅力 8
第三節 職業倦怠 11
第參章 研究方法 13
第一節 研究架構 13
第二節 研究設計及資料收集 13
第三節 研究場所與研究對象及樣本數 14
第四節 研究工具及其信效度 15
第五節 資料處理與統計分析 19
第六節 倫理考量 20
第肆章 研究結果與分析 21
第一節 基本資料 21
第二節 專科護理師之恆毅力概況 23
第三節 專科護理師基本資料與恆毅力之相關性 29
第四節 專科護理師之職業倦怠概況 38
第五節 專科護理師基本資料與職業倦怠之相關性 44
第六節 專科護理師的恆毅力與職業倦怠之相關性 56
第七節 研究結果總整 59
第伍章 討論 60
第一節 討論基本資料 60
第二節 討論專科護理師之恆毅力概況 61
第三節 討論專科護理師基本資料與恆毅力之相關性 63
第四節 討論專科護理師之職業倦怠概況 64
第五節 討論專科護理師的基本資料與職業倦怠之相關性 65
第六節 討論專科護理師的恆毅力與職業倦怠之相關性 66
第陸章建議與結論 67
第一節 研究限制 67
第二節 建議 68
第三節 結論 69
參考文獻 70
中文文獻 70
英文文獻 73

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