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研究生(外文):LIU, JEN-CHENG
論文名稱(外文):Discussion of 8-week Circuit Resistance Training on Neuromuscular Adaptation in the Elderly
指導教授(外文):GUO, LAN-YUEN
外文關鍵詞:motor unit recruitmentcircuit resistance training
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從南部某失智社區關懷據點及失智日照中心招募符合條件之參與對象共 26 位,年齡均為 ≧ 68 歲,參與 8 週、每週 2 次、每次 30 分鐘以循環式阻力運動訓練方案。研究期間追蹤介入前後之肌力、爆發力、ASM、運動單元數目及運動單元動作電位參數,評估參與者課程介入前後之成效,量化統計分析方法採用的是 SPSS 統計分析的二因子混合設計 (Two-way ANOVA, mixed design) 來分析介入前後是否有差異。
依變項:四肢骨骼肌質量 因子A F= 0.174,p = .679>.05;因子B F = 19.689,p < .001,依變項:肌力 因子A F= 8.143,p = .007<.05;因子B F= 2.541,p = .120>.05,依變項:爆發力 因子A F = 8.453,p = .007<.05;因子B F = 7.234,p = .11>.05,活化速率 實驗組前測 18.02 ± 7.46、後測 15.30 ± 4.01,控制組前測 15.30 ± 2.28、後測 20.69 ± 4.71;徵召閾值 實驗組前測 9.54 ± 6.73、後測 8.02 ± 3.28,控制組前測 9.89 ± 4.60、後測 9.02 ± 4.48。

Through the intervention strategy of circuit resistance training to regulate the adaptation of motor units and affect muscle function, it can effectively improve the muscle strength of the elderly and help them slow down muscle loss and prevent functional degradation.
26 eligible participants were recruited from a dementia community-based care center and a dementia daytime care center in the south, all aged ≥ 68 years old, to participate in the circuit resistance training program for 8 weeks, 2 times a week, 30 minutes each time. During the study period, all parameters of muscle strength, power, ASM, number of motor units and action potential of motor units were tracked before and after intervention, and the effect of participants before and after intervention was evaluated. The quantitative statistical analysis method was a Two-way ANOVA, mixed design of SPSS statistical analysis to analyze whether there were differences before and after intervention.
DV:ASM Factor A F= .174,p = .679 > .05;Factor B F = 19.689,p < .001, DV:Strength Factor A F= 8.143,p = .007<.05;Factor B F = 2.541,p = .120>.05, DV:Power Factor A F= 8.453,p = .007<.05;Factor B F = 7.234,p = .11>.05,Firing Rate Group A pre-test 18.02 ± 7.46、post-test 15.30 ± 4.01,Group B pre-test 15.30 ± 2.28、post-test 20.69 ± 4.71;Recruitment Threshold Group A pre-test 9.54 ± 6.73、post-test 8.02 ± 3.28,Group B pre-test 9.89 ± 4.60、post-test 9.02 ± 4.48.
Key words:motor unit recruitment、motor unit active potential ( MUAP)、sEMG、circuit resistance training、strength、power、adaptation

中文摘要 ........................................................................................................ Ⅰ
英文摘要 ......................................................................................................... Ⅱ
目錄 ................................................................................................................. Ⅲ~Ⅴ
附錄 ................................................................................................................. Ⅵ
表次 ................................................................................................................. Ⅶ
圖次 ................................................................................................................. Ⅷ
一、前言 ........................................................................................................ 1~24
1.1 研究背景與動機 ........................................................................... 1~3
1.2 研究目的與假設 ........................................................................... 3~5
1.3 重要名詞解釋 ............................................................................... 5~24
運動單元及徵召順序 ................................................................ 5~10
運動單元動作電位 .................................................................. 10~12
表面肌電圖 .............................................................................. 12~15
循環式訓練法 .......................................................................... 15~17
阻力訓練法 .............................................................................. 17~22
爆發力 ...................................................................................... 22~24
二、文獻探討 ............................................................................................ 25~42
2.1 運動單元與神經系統老化所伴隨的問題 ............................... 25~27
2.2 運動單元重塑與年齡的相關性 ............................................... 28~37
運動單元數量的損耗 ................................................................ 28~34
肌纖維的損耗 ............................................................................ 34~35
運動單元活化能力下降 ............................................................ 35~37
2.3 運動單元重塑的機制 ............................................................... 37~39
2.4 阻力訓練對高齡者運動單元活化方式與實證 ....................... 39~42
三、研究方法與資料分析 ........................................................................ 43~60
3.1 研究架構 ......................................................................................... 43
3.2 研究流程 ................................................................................... 44~46
3.3 研究設計 ........................................................................................... 47
3.4 研究母群體的選取 ................................................................... 48~49
3.5 測量方法與資料分析 ............................................................... 49~60
四、結論與建議 ........................................................................................ 61~76
4.1 研究成果 ................................................................................... 61~69
4.2 實務建議. .................................................................................. 69~70
4.3 優勢、劣勢、限制與結論 ....................................................... 70~77
4.3.1 優勢 .................................................................................. 70~71
4.3.2 劣勢 .................................................................................. 71
4.3.3 限制 .................................................................................. 71~73
4.3.4 結論 ................................................................................. 73~77
參考文獻. ................................................................................................... 78~111
英文部分 .......................................................................................... 78~110
中文部分 .......................................................................................... 110~111

附錄 1. 萬巒XX俱樂部成員環狀運動紀錄表 ....................................... 112
附錄 2. 萬巒XX俱樂部成員CMS、CDR等級紀錄表 ......................... 113

表 1. 萬巒XX俱樂部成員環狀運動空白紀錄表 ................................... 114
表 2. 萬巒XX俱樂部成員起、坐及握力空白紀錄表 ........................... 115
表 3. 萬巒XX俱樂部成員肌電圖空白紀錄表 ....................................... 114

圖1.1、運動後預期結果 ........................................................................... 117
圖1.2、單一肌纖維峰值電功率 ............................................................... 117
圖1.3、單一動作電位紀錄的特徵 ........................................................... 118
圖1.4、肌肉動作類型 ............................................................................... 119
圖3.1、研究架構 ....................................................................................... 120
圖3.2、研究流程 ...................................................................................... 121
圖3.3、研究參與者招募流程圖和數據收集過程 .................................. 122
圖3.4、本計畫預計使用之油壓式阻力運動訓練器材介紹 .................. 123
圖3.5、漸進融合循環 (環狀) 式阻力運動訓練流程示意圖 ............... 124
圖3.6、JAMAR握力計量測示意圖 ...................................................... 125
圖3.7、INBODY 770 精準身體組成分析儀 ......................................... 125
圖3.8、TRIGNOTM GALILEO sensor ................................................. 126
圖3.9、股四頭肌神經肌肉肌電生理參數擷取步驟 .............................. 126

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