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研究生(外文):Do, Quynh Nhu
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Factors Influence Customers Intention To Use Online Food Delivery Service In Vietnam
指導教授(外文):James Cho
口試委員(外文):James ChoHuáng, Lì-HuàQiū, Guān-Shùn
外文關鍵詞:Online food delivery servicepriceconsumer effectivecustomers intentionVietnam
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網路科技快速成長影響越南多樣的網路活動,並衍生許多商業活動應用。因為網路平台提供比傳統實體商家更方便更具經濟價值購物空間,因此,許多越南消費者偏好在虛擬網路上購物。網路迅速發展,激勵餐飲服務產業出現餐飲線上外送服務平台。再者,因2020全球爆發冠狀肺炎,凸顯線上餐飲外送平台服務優點,方便提供消費者預訂並取得餐點,同時餐飲業者可以不受疫情影響,持續經營。本研究主旨調查線上餐飲外送平台服務消費者使用意願與影響因素。研究對象為越南線上餐飲外送平台使用顧客並收集270個樣本,利用統計軟體SPSS 20.0分析問卷資料。驗究結果發現,顧客使用線上餐飲外送平台意願,受認知效用、容易度、社會(交)影響、省時與使用價格成本等因素左右。再者,本研究資料說明上述變數與使用線上餐飲外送平台服務顧客意願具有顯著關係。本研究協助了解越南線上餐飲外送平台消費者意願,並提供線上餐飲外送平台業者滿足消費者經營策略。

The Internet is one of the fast-growing means in Vietnam that makes Vietnamese people tend to conduct various activities through internet means and other support applications. Some Vietnamese people prefer to use online shopping because it offers better convenience and better economic value than traditional shopping. This is also happening in the food and beverage sector, which encouraged the emergence of online food delivery service (OFD). Besides, during the 2020 COVID-19 global outbreak, the advantages of online food delivery (OFD) services are obvious, as it facilitates consumer access to the meal is pre-processed and allows the food supplier to continue to operate. This study aims to examine the effect of user intent as well as some other factors on Online Food Delivery (OFD) service. Sample data will be collected from customers using the online food delivery service (OFD) and using the Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20.0) to evaluate the 270 collected survey questionnaires. The results of this study show that customers' intention to use online food delivery service (OFD) is determined by influencing factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, time saving orientation and price. The analysis also shows that the influencing factors have a significant relationship with the customer intention to use. The results of this research have contributed to market research and helped companies better understand the need to satisfy customers in the future.

摘要 ii
1.1 Research Background 1
1.1.1 Definition of Online Food Delivery (OFD) 1
1.1.2 Overview online food delivery in worldwide 4
1.1.3 Overview online food delivery in Vietnam 5
1.2 Research objective and research question 6
1.3 Research procedure 7
1.4 Research structure 8
2.1 Theorical background 9
2.1.1 Technology adoption model (TAM) 9
2.1.2 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model (UTAUT) 9
2.2 Hypothesis development 10
2.2.1 Perceived Usefulness (PU) 10
2.2.2 Perceived ease of use (PEOU) 11
2.2.3 Social Influence (SI) 12
2.2.4 Time saving orientation (TSO) 12
2.2.5 Price (PR) 13
2.2.6 Intention to use (IU) 14
2.3 Research model 15
3.1 Research Design 16
3.1.1 Research population 16
3.1.2 Questionnaire design 16
3.1.3 Measures of the construct 18
3.1.4 Pilot study 19
3.1.5 Data collection and sampling 23
3.2 Statistical analysis methods 23
3.2.1 Descriptive statistical analysis 23
3.2.2 Test of reliability and validity 24
3.2.3 Factors analysis 24
3.2.4 Multiple regression analysis 25
3.2.5 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 26
4.1 The analysis results 27
4.1.1 Demographic analysis 27
4.1.2 Reliability analysis 28
4.1.3 Factor analysis 30
4.1.4 Multiple regression analysis 33
4.1.5 Summary of the result 36
4.2 Discussion 37
5.1 Research findings 39
5.2 Managerial implications 40
5.3 Limitations and future research 40
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