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研究生(外文):Huang, Kuan-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Double Deep Q-Network in Automated Stock Trading
外文關鍵詞:Deep reinforcement learningNeural networkQ-learningDDQNStocks trading
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In this paper, we use the artificial neural network combined with reinforcement learning to train the automated trading system. We construct the CNN model and the fully-connected model to predict the Q-values of the actions and use the algorithm of DDQN to correct the TD error. According to past 10 days data, the system predicts the trend of the stocks and maximize our profit.

DDQN is a deep reinforcement model, which is an improvement of DQN, build the target network and modify loss function to avoid overestimation and get better performance. In our experiment, we get a good result that DDQN is feasible on automated trading systems.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
1 Introduction 1
2 Deep Learning 2
2.1 NeuronsandNeuralNetworks .......................... 3
2.2 ActivationFunction................................ 4
2.3 LossFunction................................... 6
2.4 GradientDescentMethod............................. 7
3 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 9
4 Reinforcement Learning 12
4.1 Introduction.................................... 12
4.2 MarkovDecisionProcesses............................ 14
4.3 MonteCarloMethodandTemporalDifference .................16
4.4 Q-Learning .................................... 17
5 Deep Reinforcement Learning 18
5.1 DeepQ-LearningNetwork(DQN)........................ 18
5.2 PolicyGradient .................................. 21
6 Automated Trading System 24
6.1 DatasetPreparation................................ 24
6.2 TradingSystemSettlement............................ 25
6.3 InitialParameterSettlement ........................... 26
6.4 NeuralNetwork.................................. 27
6.4.1 CNNinDDQN.............................. 27
6.4.2 Fully-ConnectedNetworkinDDQN................... 28
6.5 Result....................................... 28
7 Conclusion 30
Bibliography 31
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