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研究生(外文):Jeng, Bo-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):How Student Startups Reach the Stage of Product-Market Fit : Bricolage and Effectuation Perspectives
外文關鍵詞:Student startupsBricolageEffectuationIntellectual capital
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研究選擇六家相對成熟或曾經校園內知名如Goodnight App、College Bike、城市浪人等學生創業團隊,依照創業階段進行訪談並歸納,最終在不同創業階段中皆有得出一些洞察,如問題/解決方案配適階段時,因時間性與資金壓力迫使團隊進行拼湊活動,將就著用手邊資源進而創造出產品差異化,找到初期屬於自己的利基市場; 產品/市場配適階段時,為了控制營業額與支出,決策模式開始從實效決策轉換成因果論的模式; 隨著公司成長開始增聘員工時,如何建構標準作業流程等歷程分析,皆完整整理在本篇論文中,希望研究結果能讓第一次進行創業活動的讀者在創業歷程中面臨困難時,能系統性地評估並提出對應的解決方案最終達到產品/市場配適階段。
With the ever-increasing information transparency and the advance of science and technology, the entry barrier for starting a business is diminishing, however, it is becoming harder to succeed. Numerous startups fail due to insufficient capital before reaching operational stability. Previous research suggested that enterprises crucially relied on resources to gain competitive advantages, yet, practically most of the entrepreneurs nowadays do not have the resource to compete in the early stage. The primary goal of this research is to discover how does a company navigates through shallow waters and reaches the stage of product-market fit.

Markedly, student startups struggle with resource accumulation the most. Hence, this study investigates the process of bricolage and effectuation decisions towards getting the entrepreneurs of different industries with the scarcest resources to obtain the stage of market-product fit.

Structured interviews were conducted with six participants, namely Goodnight App, College Bike, City Wanderer among others, who are either relatively mature or well-known student startups, in accordance with the stages of a startup. In conclusion, in the stage of problem-solution fit, to reduce the time and financial pressure, the startup crew were forced to attempt a bricolage of resources at hand to create product differentiation in terms of setting the foundation of a niche market in the early stage. As for the stage of product-market fit, to control revenue and cost, the decision model pivot into the causal decision from effectuation ones. As the company grows, it starts to recruit more employees and build the standard operation process. The analysis of the process is fully covered in this paper. This paper aims to help the readers who are encountering obstacles while operating a business startup by systematically assessing the solutions and eventually reaching the stage of product-market fit.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 產品市場配適理論 ( Product/Market Fit ) 4
第二節 資源相關理論 6
壹、資源基礎理論 6
貳、動態能耐理論 6
參、智慧資本理論 7
肆、資源拼湊理論 8
伍、小結 10
第三節 實效決策理論 11
壹、實效決策 11
貳、因果理論與實效決策理論的比較 12

第三章 研究方法 14
第一節 研究架構 15
第二節 研究操作性定義 16
第三節 訪談綱要設計 19
第四章 個案公司描述 20
第一節 魔法科學班台大師資群 21
第二節 Goodnight 34
第三節 城市浪人 49
第四節 PicSee 63
第五節 Jane One Piece 手工皮件 69
第六節 CollegeBike 78
第五章 個案分析與研究發現 84
第一節 個案整理與比較 84
第二節 新創事業歷程分析 85
第三節 新創事業在創業初期,如何藉由資源拼湊克服資源匱乏、資金不足困境,經營至產品市場配適階段? 92
第四節藉由資源拼湊做出產品原型產品與一般傳統生意的差異性 99
第五節 新創事業從零到產品市場配適階段決策模式轉變為何? 105
第六節 學生創業在資源拼湊中累積了哪些智慧資本,並轉換成成哪些新市場機會? 110
第六章 結論與建議 119
第一節 研究結論 119
第二節 研究貢獻 125
第三節 研究限制 127
參考文獻 128
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