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研究生(外文):Yi-Hua Lo
論文名稱(外文):Indoor Dynamic Obstacle Recognition and Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance with 2D LiDAR
指導教授(外文):Jau-Liang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic Obstacle RecognitionDynamic Obstacle AvoidanceLiDARMecanum Wheel
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This research mainly discusses the method of dynamic obstacle avoidance for robots mainly used in the indoor factory domain, and the dynamic obstacle avoidance of robots can be divided into two parts: identifying dynamic obstacle and dynamic obstacle avoidance. At present, the sensors used to identify dynamic obstacles mainly include vision modules and LiDAR. Compared with vision modules, LiDAR has the advantages of relatively low computational complexity, high precision, and is not easily affected by ambient light and darkness. This research uses LiDAR as a sensor, and proposes a system that integrates dynamic obstacle recognition and dynamic obstacle avoidance with a single sensor,which applied in an indoor factory field.
The research method is based on the LiDAR dynamic obstacle identification algorithm in the reference and improves several parts of it, and adopts the obstacle avoidance method that maintains the original walking path. According to the experimental results, it can be known that in the part of the dynamic obstacle identification algorithm, after the algorithm is improved, the detection threshold is reduced, which means that it is more sensitive to dynamic obstacle identification. Finally, the robot can successfully complete the process with dynamic obstacle identification and dynamic obstacle avoidance, and successfully reach the target area, which proves the feasibility of dynamic obstacle identification and dynamic obstacle avoidance with a single sensor in an indoor factory.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章、 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻探討 1
1.2.1動態障礙物辨識 1
1.2.2移動機器人動態避障 4
1.3研究目的 6
1.4論文架構 8
第二章、 機器人系統架構 9
2.1實驗平台組成介紹 9
2.2硬體架構 9
2.2.1車體結構 9
2.2.2雷達感測器 10
2.2.3光學編碼器DC馬達 12
2.2.4麥克納姆輪 15
2.2.5樹莓派 16
2.2.6 STM32 17
2.2.7 X-BOX ONE 18
2.3軟體架構 19
第三章、 研究方法 20
3.1控制系統架構 21
3.2動態障礙物辨識系統 21
3.2.1資料點過濾及線段提取 22
3.2.2線段特徵點集中點提取 23
3.2.3找尋動態障礙物 24
3.2.4車體運動推導 25
3.2.5車體移動距離估測 28
3.2.6障礙物座標矯正及確認動態障礙物 33
3.2.7預估動態障礙物速度 34
3.2.8預估動態障礙物涵蓋面積 34
3.3動態避障系統架構 35
3.3.1機器人動態避障角度分割 36
3.3.2 動態障礙物放大及車身安全距離範圍 36
3.4實驗設計 37
3.4.1車體在靜止狀態下辨識動態障礙物 37
3.4.2車體在移動狀態下辨識動態障礙物 38
3.4.3機器人在路口遇到從旁邊接近的動態障礙物 39
3.4.4機器人遇到迎面而來的動態障礙物 40
第四章、 實驗設置與結果分析 42
4.1參數調整 42
4.2實驗場域設置 48
4.2.1車體在靜止狀態下辨識動態障礙物 48
4.2.2車體在動態狀態下辨識動態障礙物 50
4.2.3機器人在路口遇到從旁邊接近的動態障礙物 52
4.2.4機器遇到迎面接近的動態障礙物 54
4.3實驗驗證 58
4.3.1車體在靜止狀態下辨識動態障礙物實驗 58
4.3.2車體在動態狀態下辨識動態障礙物實驗 60
4.3.3機器人在路口遇到從旁邊接近的動態障礙物實驗 65
4.3.4機器遇到迎面接近的動態障礙物實驗 75
第五章、 結論與未來展望 86
5.1結論 86
5.2 未來展望 87
參考文獻 88
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