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論文名稱(外文):Testing and Energy Consumption Analysis of Indoor Side Chiller Water in Building Air-Conditioning
指導教授(外文):HSU ,CHIH-NENG
外文關鍵詞:Building Energy Simulation SoftwareEnergy Use IntensityEnergy Efficiency Classification
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過往機關建築辦公大樓在設計時尚未考量到節能設計,而是以機關辦公方便為考量,為達政府機關節能標準之耗能密度評比指標(EnergyUse Intensity, EUI),而盲目地更換新設備卻未整體檢視機關用電設備規劃的合理性,雖已達標但其用電效率尚有很大的可提升空間。本研究針對機關建築辦公大樓既有空調設備進行更新後,進行冰水平衡調整作業以達到系統的設計標準,再利用建築能源模擬軟體(eQuest)建立建築模型,並輸入建築及空調相關運行數據,與空調實際運轉數據進行比對,調整建築模型相關輸入參數,發現比對誤差約±10%以內具有相關性,再利用建築模型更換不同能效冰水主機進行模擬,以模擬選出最適合研究場域最節能之冰水主機,作為往後提高節能措施之參考。經模擬結果顯示空調系統為部分負載運行非以全載運作,將能源效率分級選機 1~3 級冰水主機輸入建築模型進行模擬;其中 2 級能效比 3 級能效冰水主機可節省3,630 度約節省 6.1%用電度可於 1.83 年回收增加的建置成本,1 級能效比3 能效冰水主機可節省 7,850 度約節省 13.3%用電度可於 1.7 年回收增加的建置成本。
In the past, the energy-saving design of office buildings is not investigated at the time of design and the convenience of office work. In order to meet the Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of the energy-saving standard of government units,the blind replacement of new equipment did not comprehensively examine the rationality of the planning of electric equipment of units. Although, it has reached the standard, its power efficiency still has a lot of room to improve.In this study, after the existing air-conditioning equipment of the office building is updated, the chiller water adjusting and balancing operational is carried out to meet the design standard of the system, and then the building model is established by using the building energy simulation software (eQuest), and the relevant operational data of the building and air-conditioning are input, ompared with the actual operational data of the air- conditioning, and the relevant input parameters of the building model are adjusted. It is found that the comparison error is within ±10%, and then the building model is used to replace the chiller water with different energy efficiency for simulation, so as to select the most energy-saving chiller water most suitable for the research field as a reference for improving energy-saving measures in the future. The simulation results show that the air-conditioning system operates is partial load rather and is not full load. The energy efficiency grading classification level 1 - 3 chiller water is input into the building model for simulation. Among them, the chiller water with level 2 ratio of energy efficiency and level 3 can save 3,630 kWh, about 6.1% of the power consumption, and the increased construction cost can be recovered in 1.83 years. The chiller water with level 1 ratio of energy efficiency and level 3 can save 7,850 kWh, about 13.3% of the power consumption, and the increased construction cost can be recovered in 1.7 years.
中 文 摘 要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1.前 言 1
1-2.研究動機與目的 3
1-3.文 獻 回 顧 4
1-4. 研究流程 10
1-5. 論文架構 11
第二章 空調系統基本原理形式 13
2-1. 冰水主機簡介 13
2-2. 耗能密度評比指標 14
2-3. 冰水機組製冷能源效率分級 15
第三章 研究場域建築及空調測試平衡 18
3-1.建築場域基本說明 18
3-2.建築場域空調說明 19
3-3. 測試調整平衡儀器設備 27
3-4.測試調整平衡方法 31
第四章 建築能源軟體模擬分析 33
4-1.建築能源模擬架構 33
4-2.冰水主機汰換前後量測 34
4-5.冰水管路汰換後,平衡閥調整後量測 39
4-6.建築模型模擬分析 43
4-7.不同冰水主機能耗模擬分析 52
第五章 結果與討論 55
5-1.冰水機主機更新前後用電說明 55
5-2.測試調整平衡量測 55
5-3.建築模擬能耗分析 56
第六章 結 論 61
參考文獻 62
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