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論文名稱(外文):How about telework? The effect of telework on the work engagement and work stress: The perspective of self-determination theory
外文關鍵詞:TeleworkWork EngagementChallenge StressHindrance StressSelf-Determination TheoryJob Demands-Resources Model
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遠程辦公在國外深耕數十年,但在台灣仍屬於新興議題。Covid-19的出現,全台被迫進入遠程辦公的辦公模式,遠程辦公所給予的印象大多是輕鬆、不認真的負面形象。因此,本研究透過自我決定論探討遠程辦公與工作敬業和工作壓力之間的關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,以時間隔離法避免共同方法變異,同時採哈門氏單因子測試法(Harman’s one-factor test)作事後檢驗。本研究採用SPSS與PROCESS驗證假設。本研究收集139份問卷給台灣工作者,並於扣除43份無效問卷後,以96份有效問卷進行分析。研究發現(1)遠程辦公與自我決定論之三需求沒有顯著關聯性(2) 遠程辦公與挑戰型壓力和障礙型壓力沒有顯著關聯性(3)遠程辦公與工作敬業沒有顯著關聯性(4)自我決定論中介遠程辦公與工作敬業和工作壓力間沒有顯著關聯性。因此,本研究透過補充分析探討自我決定論與工作敬業和工作壓力間的關聯。最後,本研究管理意涵為建議管理者在實行遠程辦公時需給予員工夠長的時間,否則遠程辦公可能會產生負面效果。
With the emergence of Covid-19, Taiwan has been forced into the telework mode of office work, and the image of telework is mostly a negative one of relaxation and insensitivity. Therefore, this study explores the relationship between telework and work engagement and work stress through self-determination theory. The study used questionnaires to avoid common method variance and Harman's one-factor test for post hoc testing. SPSS and PROCESS were used to validate the hypotheses in this study. In this study, 139 questionnaires were collected from Taiwanese workers, and after deducting 43 invalid questionnaires, 96 valid questionnaires were analyzed. The study found that (1) there was no significant association between telework and the three needs of self-determination (2) there was no significant association between telework and challenge stress and barrier stress (3) there was no significant association between telework and work engagement (4) there was no significant association between self-determination-mediated telework and work engagement and work stress. Therefore, this study explores the association between self-determination andwork engagement and work stress through a supplementary analysis. Finally, the managerial implication of this study is to suggest that managers need to give employees sufficient time when implementing telework, otherwise telework may have negative effects.
第四章 研究結果.........................................21
第五章 討論與結果.......................................31
附錄一 第一階段問卷.....................................44
附錄二 第二階段問卷.....................................47

表 4-1 研究架構測量模式之適合度比較(N=96)...................22
表 4-2 敘述性統計與相關係數矩陣.............................24
表 4-3 遠程辦公對自我決定論、工作壓力、工作敬業之迴歸分析結果(N=96)..........26
表 4-4 自我決定論之滿足中介效果..............................27
表 4-5 自我決定論對工作壓力和工作敬業之迴歸分析 (N=50)......................29

圖 1 研究架構圖.......................................3
圖 2 自我決定論模型...................................12
圖 3 產業概況圖 .....................................16

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