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研究生(外文):Chiang, Pei-Ling
論文名稱(外文):A Survey Study of In-service Teachers’ Anxiety Toward Bilingual Education
指導教授(外文):Chang, Shan-mao
口試委員(外文):Chang, Shan-maoCheng,Yu-kuangKung, Hui-I
外文關鍵詞:Bilingual educationCLILTeacher anxietyTeacher perception
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本研究採用調查研究法的方式進行,在彰化市三間學校發放問卷,一共 139 份問
其是以下三項: 1)台灣雙語政策配套措施不足、2)雙語課會擴大班上學生的雙峰現象、
Intending to enhance national strength and internationalization, the Ministry of
Education (MOE) has started to advocate bilingual policy in the Taiwanese educational system, especially the promotion and implementation of a bilingual policy in elementary and junior high schools. The present study aims to explore the extent of anxiety among junior high school teachers toward bilingual education.
The present study employed a survey, consisting of 139 valid questionnaires in three schools in Changhua City. To further examine the level of anxiety among junior high school teachers, the researcher invited five teachers to participate in a semi-structured interview. From the results, teachers had a moderately high level of teacher anxiety in bilingual education, with three main sources of teacher anxiety: 1) a lack of mandatory measurements in bilingual policy; 2) the bimodal phenomenon being worse in bilingual class; and 3) bilingual students’ learning difficulties in acquiring knowledge. Moreover, from the
interview, most teachers confirmed that bilingual education refers to a subject taught in English, but they did not know about the degree of language use. Also, some teachers thought the purpose of the bilingual policy was not clear. As for the three sources of teacher anxiety, some teachers mentioned their personal concerns and suggestions. Finally, the interview data showed other sources of teacher anxiety, such as teacher English ability and the problem of curriculum articulation.
The abovementioned findings revealed that teachers had some concerns about the
current bilingual promotion and implementation. Therefore, the present study aims to illustrate teachers’ considerations as well as the directions for priorities and adjustments to the current promotion of bilingual policy through the present findings and results.
中文摘要 i
Background of the Study 1
Rationale of the Study 6
Purpose of the Study 8
Research Questions 8
Definitions of Terms 9
Significance of the Study 11
The History of CLIL 13
The Theory of CLIL 14
CLIL in Bilingual Education 23
Teacher Education in CLIL 26
Teacher Perception Towards the Implementation of CLIL 33
Empirical Studies on Challenges Towards the Implementation of CLIL 36
The Current Implementation and the Challenges in Taiwan 40
Teacher Anxiety 46
Teaching Anxiety 51
Language Teaching Anxiety 52
Empirical Studies about Teacher Anxiety in Teaching 53
Empirical Studies on Teacher Anxiety in a Language Classroom 54
Participants 56
Instruments 62
The Overall Experimental Process 65
The Process of Data Analysis 66
Pilot Study 67
Results from the Questionnaire 70
Results from Interview 83
Discussion of the Study 96
Conclusion 121
Pedagogical Implication 123
Limitation of the Study 125
Suggestions for the Future Studies 125

Table 2.1 Bloom’s Taxonomy, Revised by Anderson and Krathwohl, Adapted by Coyle et al. (2010) 17
Table 2.2 The Comparison of CLIL and Immersion 24
Table 2.3 Challenges Towards the Implementation of CLIL 37
Table 3.1 Demography Information of the Teachers 57
Table 3.2 Specialized Areas of the Teachers 58
Table 3.3 Teaching Status Quo of the Teachers 59
Table 3.4 Further Study on Teaching Status Quo of the Teachers 59
Table 3.5 Further Study on the overall English Ability of the Teacher 60
Table 3.6 Background Information of the Interviewees 61
Table 3.7 Further Study on the Overall English Ability of the Interviewed Teachers 61
Table 3.8 Case Processing Summary 67
Table 3.9 Constitution of Sections with Numbers of Items and Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients 67
Table 4.1 Means, Median, Modes and Standard Deviations of Teachers’ Anxiety 71
Table 4.2 Frequency, Means and Standard Deviations of Responses about Teachers’ Anxiety 72
Table 4.3 Means, Medians, Modes and Standard Deviations of Four Categories 73
Table 4.4 Frequency, Means and Standard Deviations of Responses about Vision and Support of Bilingual Policy 74
Table 4.5 Frequency, Means and Standard Deviations of Responses about Teacher Profession and Growth 75
Table 4.6 Frequency, Means and Standard Deviations of Responses about Students’ Learning Motivation and Effectiveness 77
Table 4.7 Frequency, Means and Standard Deviations of Responses about Teachers’ English Ability and Confidence 78

Figure 2.1 The 4Cs Framework 15
Figure 2.2 The Language Triptych 19
Figure 2.3 The Language Progression Spiral 20
Figure 2.4 The Diagram Present of a Treat/ State Conception of Anxiety 48
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