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研究生(外文):PI, TE-CHENG
論文名稱(外文):Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid-Powered BLDC Motor Driver with Kinetic Energy Recovery
指導教授(外文):JUAN, YU-LIN
外文關鍵詞:Supercapacitorkinetic energy recoverybrushless DC motor driver
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In recent years, light electric scooters have become more and more popular in the market. A 48V battery pack consisting of four lead-acid batteries connected in series is often used as the power source. However, most lead-acid batteries cannot withstand large instantaneous power changes, so the stop-and-go driving situation in Taiwan urban is likely to shorten the battery life. In this study, supercapacitors were integrated into the motor drive system to form a hybrid power source with lead-acid batteries. The hybrid power source is integrated into the proposed kinetic energy regenerative brushless DC motor driver with a switching circuit and a bidirectional step up/down converter.
When starting up the electric scooter, supercapacitors will firstly be selected as the power source. Then, the switching circuit will change into the series mode when the voltage of supercapacitors drops to 15V. The driving power is then provided by lead-acid batteries and supercapacitors in series. When the voltage of supercapacitors drops to 10V, supercapacitors will be cut off and the motor is then powered only by lead-acid batteries, and the start-up process is finished. In addition, when the driver is in the braking stage, supercapacitors will be selected to store the recovered kinetic energy to avoid the waste of energy. Finally, a motor driver with 600W rated power is constructed, and a test platform with a flywheel is set up to verify the feasibility and performance. Efficiency measurements were performed for various input voltages, and the conversion efficiencies ranged from 95.6% to 84% at different output powers.

第一章 緒論..............................................................................................1
第二章 文獻探討......................................................................................5
第三章 具動能回收之混合式電源輸入無刷直流馬達驅動器............19
第四章 實驗結果....................................................................................45
第五章 結論與未來研究方向................................................................64

圖1-1 傳統三相換流器............................................................................3
圖1-2 硬體系統架構圖............................................................................3
圖2-1 有刷馬達內部結構示意圖............................................................5
圖2-2 四極無刷馬達內部結構示意圖....................................................6
圖2-3 反電動勢及相電流與霍爾訊號波形圖........................................9
圖2-4 Zeta架構之馬達驅動電路...........................................................11
圖2-5 Ćuk架構之馬達驅動電路...........................................................12
圖2-6 被動並聯電路架構......................................................................15
圖2-7 超級電容/電池電路架構.............................................................15
圖2-8 電池/超級電容電路架構.............................................................16
圖2-9 主動式串聯電路架構..................................................................17
圖2-10 主動式並聯電路架構................................................................17
圖2-11 多輸入式電路架構....................................................................18
圖3-1 系統架構圖..................................................................................19
圖3-2 主電路架構..................................................................................20
圖3-3 單級式升降壓型馬達驅動器電路..............................................21
圖3-4 三相換流器開關訊號及反電動勢關係圖..................................22
圖3-5 輸出功率至馬達時之各元件理想波形圖..................................24
圖3-6 Q0導通於驅動器供電時之電流路徑圖......................................25
圖3-7 Q0導通於驅動器供電時之等效電路圖......................................25
圖3-8 Q0截止於驅動器供電時之電流路徑圖......................................27
圖3-9 Q0截止於驅動器供電時之等效電路圖......................................27
圖3-10 馬達煞車時之各元件理想波形圖............................................28
圖3-11 Q0導通於驅動器煞車時之電流路徑圖....................................29
圖3-12 Q0導通於驅動器煞車時之等效電路圖....................................30
圖3-13 Q0截止於驅動器煞車時之電流路徑圖....................................31
圖3-14 Q0截止於驅動器煞車時之等效電路圖....................................31
圖3-15 混合式電源切換電路操作模式................................................33
圖3-16 電動機車煞車至起步抽載時之操作模式示意圖....................34
圖3-17 煞車回充超級電容組之切換電路狀態....................................34
圖3-18 馬達起步時之切換電路狀態....................................................35
圖3-19 兩輸入元件串聯時之切換電路狀態........................................36
圖3-20 鉛酸電池組供電時之切換電路狀態........................................36
圖3-21 微控制器之控制訊號架構圖....................................................37
圖3-22 主程式流程圖............................................................................38
圖3-23 外部中斷副程式流程圖............................................................39
圖3-24 Timer1中斷副程式流程圖........................................................40
圖3-25 Timer2中斷副程式流程圖........................................................41
圖3-26 馬達轉速閉迴路控制器方塊圖................................................41
圖3-27 轉速控制流程圖........................................................................42
圖3-28 電流控制流程圖........................................................................43
圖3-29 混合式儲能模組切換電路控制流程圖....................................44
圖4-1 實作硬體電路..............................................................................45
圖4-2 實驗測試平台..............................................................................46
圖4-3 實驗中所使用之鉛酸電池..........................................................48
圖4-4 超級電容組實體圖......................................................................48
圖4-5 TLP250閘極驅動電路.................................................................49
圖4-6 超級電容電壓回授電路..............................................................50
圖4-7 電感電流回授電路......................................................................51
圖4-8 驅動器主開關Q0及電感L1電壓電流波形...............................52
圖4-9 驅動器主開關Q0及電感C1電壓電流波形..............................53
圖4-10 煞車時驅動器主開關Q0及電感L1電壓電流波形.................54
圖4-11 煞車時驅動器主開關Q0及電感C1電壓電流波形.................54
圖4-12 Q0主開關及U、V、W三相上臂開關訊號.............................55
圖4-13 U相上臂及U、V、W三相上臂開關訊號..............................55
圖4-14 U、V相導通時之開關訊號......................................................56
圖4-15 三相上臂訊號以及U相電流...................................................56
圖4-16 馬達啟動過程之系統量測波形圖............................................57
圖4-17 電容供電時之電壓電流波形圖................................................58
圖4-18 串聯供電時之電壓電流波形圖................................................58
圖4-19 電池供電時之電壓電流波形圖................................................59
圖4-20 馬達煞車動能回收之系統量測波形圖....................................60
圖4-21 動能回收時之電壓電流波形圖................................................61
圖4-22 驅動器於70V輸入時之效率曲線圖.......................................62
圖4-23 驅動器於48V輸入時之效率曲線圖.......................................63
圖4-24 驅動器於12V輸入時之效率曲線圖.......................................63

表2-1 馬達特性比較表............................................................................7
表2-2 各種類電池與超級電容特性比較..............................................14
表4-1 驅動器電路參數..........................................................................47
表4-2 馬達規格表..................................................................................47
表4-3 電壓回授電路參數表..................................................................50
表4-4 電流回授電路參數表..................................................................51
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