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論文名稱(外文):The Study of Care Need Combinations for Dementia Patients with Multiple Chronic Diseases-A Case Study in a Medical Center in Central Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Multiple chronic diseasesDementia careCare need
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本研究收集對象為中部某醫學中心,收案時間為 2020 年 9 月至 2021年 7 月有效多重慢性病失智症患者資料 83 筆。運用關聯規則 Apriori 演算法為多重慢性病的失智症患者找出所需的照護目標,並且主要分成兩部分去探討,第一部分的探討是將 26 項照護目標同時放入演算法的前項及後項,設定最小信賴度 90%,最小支持度 5%,提升度為大於 1,經過篩選後得到17 條關聯規則。第二部分的探討是將 26 項照護目標放入演算法的前項與後項,人口統計變數放入演算法的前項,設定最小信賴度 90%,最小支持度 5%,提升度為大 1,經過篩選後得到 2720 條關聯規則,由於其規則數眾多,較無法歸納其關聯性,因此,本研究針對其支持度大於 10%,共 93條關聯規則進行詳細的整理,並整理出 36 條通則具有高度重複性。
在第一部分的研究結果發現大部分患有多重慢性病的都有社會福利資源需求、認知不足-用藥、記憶問題、預防跌倒照護需求,這四項照護目標,而第二部分加入人口統計變數分析後的研究結果發現除了第一部分所提及的社會福利資源需求、認知不足-用藥、記憶問題、預防跌倒照護需求,這四項照護目標外,還需要增加認知不足-疾病、照顧負荷及心理調適、血壓偏高,這三項照護目標。同時也發現到三項能簡易辨別之特徵,當患者出現以下任一項特徵時:男性或是年齡層位於 65 歲-74 歲或是需輪椅輔助,都需要社會福利資源需求,因此,若醫院遇到符合通則之患者組合時,即可提供照護者基本的四項照護目標,之後再延伸至這七項照護目標,讓患者與照護者得到適切的協助,延緩及減輕患者的病情,且降低照護者壓力,與增進多重慢性病失智症患者之照顧品質。

As the average human life expectancy increases, the risk of people with multiple chronic diseases increases, and the risk of people living with dementia who already have multiple chronic diseases is higher than that of the ordinal people. The care skills required for patients with dementia who have multiple chronic diseases are higher. In this study, dementia patients with multiple chronic diseases at a medical center in central Taiwan were selected as examples to explore the care needs of dementia patients with multiple chronic diseases.
This study collected 83 valid data of dementia patients with multiple chronic diseases from September 2020 to July 2021 in a medical center in central Taiwan. The Apriori algorithm of association rules was used to find out the care needs for dementia patients with multiple chronic diseases, and the research results were divided into two parts. The first part was to put 26 care needs into antecedent and consequent at the same time by setting up the minimum confidence of 90%, the minimum support of 5%, and lift greater than 1. Seventeen association rules were obtained. In the second part, 26 care needs were put into both antecedent and consequent, whereas the demographic variables were put into antecedent. The minimum confidence was set at 90%, the minimum support was set at 5%, and lift was greater than 1. There were 2720 association rules obtained. Due to the complexity of association rules, only 93 association rules with a support greater than 10% were discussed in this study, and 36 general rules were summarized based on the similarities of rules.
The results of the first part of the study found that most of the dementia patients with multiple chronic diseases had the need for social resources referral, drug knowledge education, memory problem care, and fall prevention, which could be concluded as the four basic care needs. The second part of the results found that in addition to the four basic care needs, disease knowledge education, care for the mood of the caregiver, and hypertension care were the additional care needs. When patients had any of the followings: male patient, the patient was 65-74 years old, or the patient needs wheelchair, social resources referral were required. Therefore, the hospital could offer dementia patients the four basic care needs and, later, provide additional three care needs to reduce caregiver’s stress and to improve quality of care for dementia patients with multiple chronic dementia.

Keywords: Multiple chronic diseases, Dementia care, Care need

摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 多重慢性病介紹 3
第二節 多重慢性病與失智症關聯性 4
第三節 失智症嚴重程度 6
第四節 失智症照護目標 7
第五節 關聯規則 10
第三章 研究方法 13
第一節 研究對象與資料來源 13
第二節 分析方法 17
第四章 研究結果 19
第一節 探討照護目標的關聯性 19
第二節 探討多重慢性病失智症患者照護目標組合 21
第五章 結論 32
第一節 研究結論 32
第三節 研究限制 33
參考文獻 34
附錄 93條規則整理 41

表2-1 15項照護目標 8
表2-2 26項照護目標 9
表3-1 人口統計變數 14
表3-2 初次追蹤情形 15
表4-1 Apriori產生17條規則 19
表4-2 支持度滿30%至未滿40%的兩條通則 21
表4-3 支持度滿20%至未滿30%的六條通則 21
表4-4 支持度滿10%至未滿20%的二十八條通則 23

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