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外文關鍵詞:NamingMultiple exemplar instructionAutism Spectrum Disorder
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兩名五歲的自閉症兒童,皆未具備隨機命名能力。分別於 (1)圖片-名稱配
保有完整的聽者反應能力,以及 50%的說者命名能力。

The study was designed to investigate the effects on establishing naming
through Multiple exemplar instruction (MEI) in children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder. A single-subject experiment design of multiple-probe
across participants was used. Two 5-year-old children with autism
participated in this study. Both of them had showed lacking of the Naming
repertoire before participating this study. We probed their untrained abilities
(listener response, pure tact, impure tact) for naming ability after (1)
match-to-sample instruction while hearing the experimenter tact the pictures ,
(2) multiple exemplar instruction. The results were summarized as follows:
1. After match-to-sample instruction with tact by the experimenter, the
participants didn’t meet criterion for the naming responses. But after multiple
exemplar instruction, they emitted complete naming repertoire in listener but
not others.
2. One week after the completion of study, we probe for the partial of the novel
words learned from the study session to ensure the maintenance of naming.
The participants have achieved 100% of listener repertoire and 50% of
speaker repertoire.
3. Establishing naming can improve learning motivation of novel words. This
study has reliable social validity.
4. The effects of generalization of naming need futher studies to clarify.
Keywords: Naming, Multiple exemplar instruction, children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder
第一章 緒論................................................................................................. 1
第一節 問題背景與研究動機.............................................................. 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 ............................................................. 4
第三節 名詞解釋 ................................................................................. 5
第二章 文獻探討......................................................................................... 7
第一節 語言行為與隨機命名能力 ..................................................... 7
第二節 多重範例教學 ....................................................................... 11
第三節 自閉症類群兒童隨機命名與多重範例教學....................... 18
第四節 建立隨機命名能力 ............................................................... 21
第三章 研究方法..................................................................................... 31
第一節 研究對象 ............................................................................... 31
第二節 研究設計 ............................................................................... 35
第三節 研究工具 ............................................................................... 48
第四節 信效度考驗 ........................................................................... 49
第五節 資料分析 ............................................................................... 51
第四章 結果與討論................................................................................. 53
第一節 多重範例教學前後之能力變化 ........................................... 53
第二節 多重範例教學成效分析 ....................................................... 56
第三節 隨機命名能力之社會效度 ................................................... 65
第四節 類化期的表現 ....................................................................... 69
第五節 討論........................................................................................ 70
第六節 研究範圍與限制 ................................................................... 77
第五章 結論與建議................................................................................... 78
第一節 結論........................................................................................ 78
第二節 建議........................................................................................ 79
參考文獻....................................................................................... 82
(一)中文部分.......................................................................................... 82
(二)英文部分.......................................................................................... 82
附錄一 兒童的前 300 個詞彙。引自黃瑞珍等人(2020) .................. 88
附錄二 90 招募泛自閉症兒童........................................................... 90
附錄三 研究參與者家長同意書.......................................................... 91
附錄四 教學記錄表 1(基線期)........................................................... 92
附錄五 教學記錄表 2(介入期-步驟 1:聽到名稱做配對)................ 93
附錄六 教學記錄表 3(介入期-步驟 2:探測未教學的能力............. .94
附錄七 教學記錄表 4(介入期-步驟 3:多重範例教學).................... 95
附錄八 教學程序檢核表...................................................................... 96
附錄九 家長教學回饋量表.................................................................. 97
附錄十 教學圖卡一覽表...................................................................... 98
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