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論文名稱(外文):Explore the Optical Properties of Al2O3/Ti/Al2O3/Ti Solar Selective Abosrbers on Oblique Incidence and Surface Roughness
外文關鍵詞:TitaniumSolar Absorption FilmOblique IncidenceSurface Roughness
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本研究使用的材料為鈦(Titanium, Ti) 來當作太陽能吸熱膜的吸收膜層,太陽能吸熱膜膜層結構為Al2O3/Ti/Al2O3/Ti濺鍍於基板上,基板材料選用矽基板與不鏽鋼基板。
本論文實驗之試片皆以本實驗室自有之反應式磁控濺鍍系統(Reactive Magnetron Sputtering System) 配合複合式光學摹擬軟體計算最佳效率和膜厚以及使用退火爐對樣品進行熱處理。

The material used in this study is titanium (TI) as the absorption film of solar heat absorption film. The structure of solar heat absorption film is Al2O3 / Ti / Al2O3 / Ti deposited on the substrate.
The substrate materials are silicon substrate and stainless steel substrate. The test pieces in this paper are calculated by the reactive magnetron sputtering system owned by our laboratory and the composite optical simulation software, and the samples are heat treated in an annealing furnace.
The best result of this study is that the thickness [68nm / 12nm / 72nm/180nm] and color of the Yellow endothermic film have a photothermal conversion efficiency of 95.69%. In terms of roughness, 220 mesh sandpaper is used to compare with the mirror. It is found that the efficiency has little change, but the color change in the naked eye and reflected light is smaller than that in the mirror. In oblique incidence, the efficiency reaches more than 90% at 15 degrees, When the incident angle is 30 degrees, the efficiency reaches more than 88%, and when the incident angle is 45 degrees, the efficiency reaches more than 82%. When the incident angle is 60 degrees, the reaches more than 63%, while in the maximum incident angle of 75 degrees, the efficiency reaches more than 35%.

中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
2.1 太陽能集熱器簡介 4
2.1.1太陽能(Solar Energy) 4
2.1.2平板型太陽熱能集熱器(Flat-Plate Collector) 5
2.2太陽能選擇性吸收膜原理 6
2.2.1太陽能選擇性吸收膜介紹 6
2.2.2太陽能選擇性吸收膜表面之光學特性 7
2.2.3太陽能選擇性吸收結構類型 8
2.3 反應式磁控濺鍍技術 9
2.3.1電漿 9
2.3.2反應式磁控濺鍍 11
第三章、實驗流程與儀器介紹 12
3.1 實驗規劃 12
3.1.1太陽能選擇性吸收膜結構設計 12
3.1.2最佳率之吸收膜厚度摹擬 13
3.1.3各基板粗糙度之如何判斷應選擇之光型 13
3.1.4鍍膜參數 15
3.1.5試片製作流程 16
3.1.6試片量測與測試 18
3.2 實驗材料 19
3.3 實驗設備與量測儀器 20
3.3.1 反應式磁控濺鍍系統 20
3.3.2 熱退火系統 21
3.3.3 高解析掃描式電子顯微鏡 22
3.3.4 紫外光/可見光光譜儀(U.V/VIS) 23
3.3.5 高強度多功能X光薄膜微區繞射儀(Multipurpose High Intensity X-Ray Thin-Film Micro Area Diffractometer) 24
3.3.6 傅利葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(FTIR) 24
第四章、結果與討論 25
4.1 最佳效率模擬結果 25
4.2 CIE模擬效率91%以上色域標點 27
4.3 CIE色彩高效率吸收膜製作之結果 30
4.3.1 CIE色彩吸收膜 30
4.3.2 CIE色彩吸收膜表面研磨處理 33
4.4 彩色選擇性吸收膜斜向入射模擬結果 36
4.5 高效率吸收膜退火與量測 39
4.5.1高效率吸收膜光譜量測 39
4.5.2高效率吸收膜XRD 42
4.5.3高效率吸收膜FTIR 45
4.5.4高效率吸收膜SEM 48
4.6 太陽能選擇性吸收膜角度顏色變化 51
4.7 不同砂紙研磨表面之變化 58
4.7.1各目數砂紙表面狀態 58
4.7.2 最佳效率鍍膜於各粗糙度之表面量測表面樣貌與反射光譜 61
第五章、結論與未來展望 65
5.1 結論 65
5.2 未來展望 66
參考文獻 67

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