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論文名稱(外文):Creating An Automatic Visualization Tool For Semantic Analysis
指導教授(外文):HUANG, WEN-CHEN
外文關鍵詞:Generated abstractsspaCyEnglish comprehension visualization toolssemantic analysis
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在進行可視化生成圖之前,先透過自動生成摘要壓縮文章的文字量,只保留最具代表性的內容。本研究利用T5(Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer)的摘要生成模型,將論文中摘要的段落重新產生成更簡短的字句。透過ROUGE評量確認生成的字句與原本的文義無嚴重的落差。本研究在視覺化字句的步驟為先對字句做斷詞,再進行詞性分析以及依存關係分析。再對分析結果進行語法判斷,經過語法判斷後,便將其結果以圖的方式呈現,最後利用圖形中的節點符合文章段落中關鍵字的數量,與總節點數的比例當作評測分數,來確認圖形沒有偏離文章所描述的主題,具有可參考性。由於本研究專注於英文論文上,因此,在語法判斷中皆是利用英文文法之特性進行判斷,以符合視覺化文義的可讀性,達成本研究輔助閱讀之目的。
Due to the development of the Internet and the advancement of science and technology, you can access an increasingly large amount of information at any time. With Internet news, you can find out about current events, and social media allows you to learn about the lives of your friends who live abroad. Search engines allow you to find information you need, so you do not have to visit a library to find books. In a world of abundant information, more and more people are interested in the so-called lazy bag, which helps to understand quickly, without having to read a large amount of text. This has become a goal for many people. In this research, we designed a tool that can be used to visualize English papers with substantial amounts of text.
Prior to generating images, it is necessary to compress the text of the article by automatically creating abstracts and only retaining the most representative information. In this study, the T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) abstract generation model is used to construct the shorter sentences and words in the abstract of the paper. ROUGE assessment confirms that there are no significant differences between the generated words and the original text. The procedure for visualizing the words and sentences that resulted from this study is to segment them first. Then, analyze the parts of speech and how they relate to one another. After making grammatical judgments, graphs are constructed based on the analysis results. Lastly, the nodes in the graph match the number of keywords in the article paragraph, and the ratio to the total number of nodes is used as the evaluation score to confirm that the graph does not deviate from the theme described in the article and has reference value. To achieve the purpose of research aid reading and to comply with the readability of the visualized text, the characteristics of English grammar are used in grammatical judgments.
Research on this topic is mostly focused on the practical level. A visual aid is used to help readers get the gist of the article before reading the text. It also helps users who are searching for information to more easily confirm whether the articles in the search meet their needs.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
壹、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究貢獻 3
貳、文獻探討 4
2.1機器閱讀理解 4
2.2自動文本摘要 4
2.3 spaCy 5
2.4 ROUGE 6
2.5依存分析 6
參、研究方法 8
3.1生成摘要 9
3.2字詞分析 12
3.3視覺化字詞 13
肆、結果與討論 23
4.1生成摘要結果 23
4.2字詞分析結果 27
4.3視覺化字詞結果 28
4.4研究結果討論與限制 39
伍、結論與未來展望 41
陸、參考文獻 42
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