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論文名稱(外文):Dynamic Stress Analysis and Multi-objective Optimization Design of Electric Assisted Bicycle Frame
中文關鍵詞:電動輔助自行車車架落錘試驗模擬前倒試驗模擬均勻實驗設計ANSYS/LS-DYNAKriging 插值法基因演算法熵值權法灰關聯分析最佳化設計
外文關鍵詞:Electric Assisted Bicycle FrameDrop-mass impact simulationFall-frame impact simulationUniform designANSYS/LS-DYNAKriging interpolation methodGenetic algorithmEntropy methodGray methodOptimization
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The frame of electric assisted bicycle is taken as the analysis target in this paper. The length and thickness of the first section and the fifth section of the upper and lower tubes of the frame are selected as the control factors for the analysis according to the requirements of the drop-mass impact and the fall-frame impact test of the European standard EN 15194 for electric assisted bicycles. The finite element analysis software ANSYS/LS-DYNA is used to simulate and analyze the permanent deformation of the front fork of the frame. Through uniform experimental design and planning of a series of simulation experiments, the final improvement scheme is obtained. Based on uniform design, the maximum improvement rate of each single target can be seen, and Kriging interpolation method is used to establish a mathematical agent model. Taking the permanent deformation of the front fork of the frame as the objective function, the optimal solution of the sub-objective is obtained by genetic algorithm, and the synthetic objective function is obtained by entropy method to find the best weight ratio. The grey relational method is used to integrate multiple objectives into a single objective, and genetic algorithm is used to find the best solution again. Finally, the best design parameters of the frame of electric assisted bicycle are obtained.
The results show that the permanent deformation of front fork is improved by 3.47% in drop-mass impact test by comparing the frame size obtained by uniform design and optimal design and using genetic algorithm with the original frame design value. And the permanent deformation of the front fork in the fall-frame impact test is improved by 4.18%. The two objectives of the experiment are improved simultaneously, and the multi-objective improvement design effect is achieved, and an effective optimization design process is established.

摘要 I
致謝 IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
符號說明 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 簡介 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1電動輔助自行車相關文獻 2
1-2-2 均勻實驗與最佳化演算法的應用 3
1-2-3 Kriging空間插值法的應用 4
1-3 研究動機、目的及方向 5
1-4 論文結構 8
第二章 有限元素分析 10
2-1 有限元素法理論簡介 10
2-2 有限元素法分析步驟 11
2-3 ANSYS-LS-DYNA簡介 12
2-4 ANSYS-LS-DYNA分析流程 13
2-5 車架試驗模擬分析 15
2-5-1 模型建立 15
2-5-2 元素選擇 16
2-5-3 材料選擇 17
2-5-4 接觸問題設定 19
2-5-5 落錘試驗法規介紹 21
2-5-6 前倒試驗法規介紹 23
2-5-7 質塊模型建立 24
2-5-8 邊界條件設定 29
2-5-9 網格設定與收斂性分析 30
2-5-10 動態模擬分析結果 33
第三章 研究方法 36
3-1 均勻實驗設計法簡介 37
3-2 均勻設計表應用 38
3-3 Kriging空間插值法 41
3-4 熵值權重法原理 44
3-5 灰關聯分析 46
3-6 基因演算法 50
第四章 最佳化設計與分析 51
4-1 參數設計 51
4-2 均勻設計表選用 53
4-3 均勻實驗設計結果 58
4-4 建立Kriging模型 58
4-5 多目標規劃 60
4-6 最佳化設計與分析 61
4-7 最佳化設計結果 68
第五章 結論 69
5-1 結論 69
5-2 未來展望 70
參考文獻 71

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