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研究生(外文):WANG, WEN-CHI
論文名稱(外文):Application of Glass Die to Micro Metal Forming
外文關鍵詞:Micro metal formingGlass dieFriction factorFinite element simulation
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Micro metal components have been gradually diversified with the development of products in different fields. They are not only used in electronic products and precision machinery, but also biomedical and chemical instruments. The design of the micro metal components needs to consider the conditions in use. The forming method and the characteristics of the materials including the product and tools are also key factors in the manufacturing of the micro metal components.

This study proposes an application of a glass die to the micro metal forming process. The study used finite element simulation and experiments to investigate the feasibility of the proposed method. To accurately model the friction effect, the study used a set of glass dies in the simulation of the ring compression test of the Fe-Co-Ni alloy, established the friction calibration curves, and conducted the ring compression test to estimate the friction factor between the glass and alloy. The obtained friction factor is then used in the simulation of the heading process of the Fe-Co-Ni alloy to predict the stress in the glass die. Finally, experiments were carried out to verify the proposed method.

The results show that the billet geometry and the forming load predicted by the simulation of the ring compression test are very close to the experimental results. The estimated friction factor is about 0.12 in the process without lubrication. Moreover, the results of the heading process experiments show that the glass die under the condition with an appropriate control of the forging stroke to prevent the fracture can be used to successfully fabricate micro Fe-Co-Ni alloy components.

摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
一、緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.2.1 微金屬成形 1
1.2.2 摩擦效應 2
1.2.3 鍛粗成形 5
1.3 研究動機與目的 5
1.4 論文架構 7
二、基本理論 9
2.1 摩擦效應 9
2.2 環形壓縮試驗 11
2.3 鍛粗成形 13
2.4 微金屬成形 13
2.5 玻璃模具於微金屬成形之應用 14
三、數值模擬 15
3.1 有限元素模擬軟體 15
3.2 收斂性分析 16
3.3 摩擦因子預估 20
3.3.1 環形壓縮 21
3.3.2 頭部鍛粗 21
3.4 玻璃模具於微金屬成形之應用 25
3.4.1 胚料變形 26
3.4.2 玻璃應力 28
四、實驗 31
4.1 模具設計 31
4.1.1 環形壓縮 31
4.1.2 頭部鍛粗 31
4.2 實驗設備 32
4.2.1 電子壓床 32
4.2.2 光學顯微鏡 33
4.2.3 線切割機 34
4.2.4 影像量測儀 34
4.3 實驗程序 35
4.3.1 Kovar合金環形壓縮試驗 35
4.3.2 Kovar合金頭部鍛粗實驗 35
4.4 成品觀察 36
4.4.1 顯微觀測 36
4.4.2 尺寸量測 36
4.4.3 玻璃觀察 36
五、結果與討論 37
5.1 顯微觀察 37
5.1.1 環形壓縮 37
5.1.2 頭部鍛粗 40
5.2 摩擦因子 41
5.3 成品尺寸 44
5.3.1 環形壓縮 44
5.3.2 頭部鍛粗 44
5.4 成形負荷 46
5.5 玻璃模具表面裂紋觀察 46
六、結論與未來展望 49
6.1 結論 49
6.2 未來展望 50
參考文獻 51
附錄 55
附錄一 : 玻璃特性表 55
附錄二 : 環形壓縮試片尺寸量測表 56
附錄二 : 環形壓縮試片尺寸量測表(續) 57
附錄三 : 頭部鍛粗鍛胚尺寸量測表 58
附錄四 : 模具工程圖 59
簡歷 64

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