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論文名稱(外文):10B33 Microstructural Analysis of Temper Brittleness
外文關鍵詞:Temper brittleness10B33Metallography
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The purpose of this study is to observe the microstructural problems caused by the temper brittleness of 10B33 boron steel. The main research is on the difference comparison of the mechanical properties of heat treatment under different conditions and the observation of the brittleness unique to tempering. After the test piece is processed, the material is tempered at different temperatures and subjected to mechanical property experiments including impact, tensile, torsion and hardness, and the effects on mechanical properties under different temperature conditions are compared as a reference. After the completion, the microstructure observation and element distribution of the material were carried out by metallographic, SEM and EDS, in order to understand the main reasons for the material's toughness and brittleness after tempering. Finally, the mechanical properties and material observations were systematically analyzed to find out the key factors for temper brittleness.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
一、緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 1
1.2.1低合金鋼 1
1.2.2硼鋼概述 2
1.2.3硼鋼代號 2
1.2.4回火脆性對材料之影響 3
1.2.5回火溫度對回火脆性之關係 4
1.3研究動機與目的 4
二、研究理論 5
2.1 10B33硼鋼 5
2.2合金元素添加的影響 5
2.3熱處理 9
2.3.1淬火處理 9
2.3.2回火處理 11
2.5微觀組織分析 13
三、實驗方法與設備 14
3.1實驗流程 14
3.2試片備製 15
3.2.1試片取得與成分 15
3.2.2試片尺寸規範 15
3.2.3外型製作與矯直 17
3.3熱處理 18
3.3.1正常化與淬火 18
3.3.2回火 18
3.4機械性質量測 18
3.4.1衝擊試驗 18
3.4.2拉伸試驗 20
3.4.3扭轉試驗 20
3.4.4硬度試驗 20
3.5組織觀察 23
3.5.1衝擊與拉伸破斷面觀察 23
3.5.2研磨拋光與腐蝕 24
3.5.3金相試驗 26
3.5.4電解拋光與SEM/EDS 28
四、結果與討論 30
4.1機械性質 30
4.1.1硬度 30
4.1.2拉伸值強度 31
4.1.3扭轉值 33
4.1.4衝擊值 34
4.2微觀組織 35
4.2.1 OM金相觀察 35
4.2.2 SEM金相組織觀察 38
4.2.3 衝擊破斷面SEM觀察 44
4.2.4 拉伸破斷面SEM觀察 52
4.2.5 EDS/元素觀察 61
五、結論 70
5.1結論 70
參考文獻 71

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