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論文名稱(外文):Effects of acute intermittent exercise on cardiovascular regulatory responses: Role of aging factor
指導教授(外文):LIAO YI-HUNG
外文關鍵詞:interval exercisepulse wave velocityheart rate variability
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目的: 本研究主要探討年齡比較年輕組和中高齡組進行急性間歇性運動對於心血管調節反應之影響,包括動脈硬化、上下肢血壓比、交感神經、副交感神經、總功率、血壓的急性反應。方法: 本研究招募40名有運動習慣的健康成年男性受試者,以年齡分層 (20-30歲) 和 (50-60歲) 分為兩組,採取前後測設計,以75%和60%的最大攝氧量間歇運動強度完成試驗,運動時間為40分鐘 (含暖身5分鐘)。於運動後立即、10、20分鐘分別收集受試者的心率變異度和心血管的生理指標。結果: 研究結果顯示兩組受試者在運動挑戰後的脈搏傳導速度和心率變異度指標 (LF、HF、TP) 都有顯著的差異,組間與時間的交互作用上也有顯著的差異。而在血壓反應方面,本研究發現兩組受試者在運動挑戰後的血壓反應都有改變,但在統計上兩組間並沒有顯著的差異。結論: 根據本研究的結果顯示,年輕組和中高齡組在間歇運動後皆能改善血管的動脈硬度,年輕組和中高齡組相比年輕組在單次間歇運動挑戰後改善脈搏傳導速度的效果遠比中高齡組要好。中高齡組在運動後20分鐘就恢復到基本的水平,而年輕組在運動後30分鐘仍然保持在低水平。單次間歇運動後雖然可以讓部分心血管生理指標出現改善現象,但是這種立即反應都是短暫的。由於運動後的心血管調節反應都是取決於運動強度、頻率和時間,未來需要更多研究去探討間歇運動處方應用於不同年齡層促進心血管健康之效益。
Objective: This study investigated the effects of acute intermittent exercise on cardiovascular regulatory responses, including arterial stiffness, upper and lower extremity blood pressure ratio, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, total power, and blood pressure, between the younger and middle-aged groups. Methods: Forty healthy adult male subjects with regular exercise habits participated and were grouped age stratification (20-30 years) and (50-60 years). Heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiovascular physiological parameters were measured at baseline, immediately after exercise, 10 minutes, and 20 minutes after exercise. Results: The results showed that there were significant differences in pulse conduction velocity and HRV (LF, HF, TP) between the two age groups after the acute intermittent exercise challenge, as well as significant differences in the interaction between the groups and time. In terms of blood pressure response, this study found that both groups showed changes in blood pressure response after exercise challenge, but there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, both the young and the middle-aged group improved vascular stiffness after intermittent exercise, and the young group exhibited much greater benefits than the middle-aged group in improving pulse conduction velocity after a single intermittent exercise challenge. The middle-aged group returned to baseline levels 20 minutes after exercise, while the young group remained at low levels 30 minutes after exercise. Although some of the cardiovascular physiological markers may improve after a single interval of exercise, the immediate response is short-lived. Since the cardiovascular response after exercise is dependent on the intensity, frequency and duration of exercise, more research is needed to investigate the benefits of intermittent exercise prescriptions for cardiovascular health in different age groups.
第壹章 緒論 3
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究假設 5
第四節 名詞解釋 5
第貳章 文獻探討 7
第二節 探討年齡差異運動對於心血管之影響 9
第三節 急性間歇性運動對自主神經的影響 10
第四節 間歇運動與其他類型運動對動脈硬化的影響 17
第五節 小結 26
第參章 研究方法 27
第一節 研究對象 27
第二節 研究設計 27
第三節 實驗流程 29
第四節 最大有氧能力的測量 30
第五節 間歇運動強度設定 30
第六節 臀踝脈搏傳導速度、血壓、心率的測量 31
第七節 自律神經活性的測量 31
第八節 資料統計與分析 32
第肆章 結果 33
第一節、受試者的基本資料 33
第二節、血壓反應 34
第三節、自主神經生化指標 36
第四節、動脈阻塞和動脈硬化 38
第伍章 討論 39
第陸章 結論 43

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