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研究生(外文):Chen, Yu-Long
論文名稱(外文):Study of Ion-Assisted E-beam Evaporation Coating Process on Chirped Mirrors
指導教授(外文):Wang, Pei-Jen
口試委員(外文):Chen, Cheng-HuanLo, Cheng-Yao
外文關鍵詞:femtosecond laserdispersion compensationchirped mirroroptical thin filmion-assisted deposition (IAD)
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Femtosecond laser based on ultrafast optics has become a prominent and advanced technology in many applications in recent years, including scientific studies, engineering devices, communications methods, medical instruments and etc. In femtosecond laser systems, due to the material dispersion and the nonlinear effects of the gain medium and nominal optical components, the optical pulses in the systems will be broadened to disadvantageous characteristics in the ultra-short pulses. To eventually reduce or eliminate the effects, an optical element with negative dispersion must be introduced into the optical path to cancel out the positive dispersion of the materials. This is called the dispersion compensation mechanism. Compared to other dispersion compensation elements such as grating and prism pairs, a negative dispersion mirror exhibits the advantages with low losses, less nonlinear effects, ultra-broadband, high compactness, simple installation and adjustment, and etc. so that it becomes the mainstream dispersion compensation device today.
In this thesis, a chirped mirror with -60fs^2 GDD and reflectance > 97.5% in the bandwidth of 700nm to 900nm was designed by the optical thin film filter design software. The chirped mirror was then fabricated by an ion-assisted deposition (IAD) coating system. The optical constants of the thin films deposited with process parameters are calibrated for the chirped mirrors and re-entered into the coating systems to adjust the control of film thickness. Then the spectral phase of the fabricated was measured by PG-FROG whereas the reflectance is measured by a spectrophotometer. Finally, the measurements indicate a reasonable match with the design results showing the effectiveness of the methodology. Therefore, the results have shown that the uses of an ion-assisted electron gun evaporation coating system are very feasible for the manufacture of chirped mirrors applied for femtosecond laser applications.
Table of Content.....................V
List of Tables and Figures...........VII
Chapter 1 Introduction...............1
1-1 Background Descriptions..........1
1-2 Objectives of Study..............4
1-3 Literatures Review...............5
1-3-1 Ultrafast Mode-Locked Lasers and Dispersion Compensation Devices......5
1-3-2 Multilayers Dispersive Mirror......7
1-3-3 Optical Thin-Film Coating Technology......8
Chapter 2 Fundamental Optics Theory......15
2-1 Dispersion.......................15
2-1-1 Material Dispersion............15
2-1-2 Pulse Broadening Due to GDD......21
2-2 Theory of Optical Thin Film......26
2-2-1 Optical Admittance of Homogeneous Medium......26
2-2-2 Reflection and Transmission at Interface......28
2-2-3 Characteristic Matrix of Thin-Film Layer......30
2-2-4 Reflection and Transmission of Assembly of Thin-Films......32
2-3 Dispersive Mirrors...............33
2-3-1 Gires-Tournois Interferometer..........35
2-3-2 Chirped Mirror.................38
Chapter 3 Optical Mirror Design......48
3-1 Merit Functions..................48
3-2 Needle Optimization..............49
3-3 Mirror Design....................51
3-3-1 Design Target..................52
3-3-2 Design Results.................53
3-3-3 Error Analysis.................54
Chapter 4 Design Verifications and Results......59
4-1 Ion-assisted Electron Beam Evaporation......59
4-1-1 System and Components..........60
4-1-2 Film Thickness Monitoring......62
4-2 Tooling Factors and Material Optical Constants......63
4-2-1 Process Parameters.............64
4-2-2 Ellipsometer Measurements......65
4-2-3 Tooling Factor and Deposition Rate......66
4-2-4 Optical Constants..............67
4-3 Preparation and Fabrication......69
4-4 Experimental Results.............70
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Perspectives......83
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