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研究生(外文):YANG, QI-ZHENG
論文名稱(外文):Research on the effect of real estate tax policy with synthetic control method
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shih-Ying
口試委員(外文):Wang, Hui-ChenPeng, Hui-Chun
外文關鍵詞:property taxcomposite control lawproperty tax capitalization
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本文著重於以合成控制法(Synthetic Control Method)為研究方法研究於2011年2月分別被選爲試點城市的上海與重慶的房地產稅制改革的效果,本文基於2010年6月至2012年12月期間兩城市及其他未實施房產稅城市的月資料數據基礎研究,以合成控制法創造一個虛構的沒有經歷房產稅改革的重慶與上海使其與真實經歷了房產稅改革的重慶與上海相比分析,判斷其政策效果爲何,與一般的DID方法相比,合成控制法可以得到一個更加客觀的對照組,由於試點城市是直轄市,相比於一般城市更具有特殊性也使得DID方法難以實施,故在這裏選擇合成控制法有一定的優勢。
Since 2000, the high real estate prices in China have directly led to the inability of many working-class young people to meet the basic housing needs with their own abilities, and due to the high housing prices, the debt ratio of Chinese residents has increased year by year and even suppressed the general consumption demand. The impact is more profound.
In order to solve the related negative effects caused by the problem of high housing prices, the Chinese central government carried out the real estate tax reform in February 2011, and carried out experiments in a few pilot cities. It has been more than ten years since then. The policy trend of further expanding the pilot cities, and its policy effect has attracted much attention.
This paper focuses on using the Synthetic Control Method as the research method to study the effects of real estate tax reform in Shanghai and Chongqing, which were selected as pilot cities in February 2011, respectively. Based on the basic research on monthly data and data, the synthetic control method can create a fictitious Chongqing and Shanghai that have not undergone real estate tax reform, compare it with the real Chongqing and Shanghai that have undergone real estate tax reform, and can judge the effect of their policies, and the difference between them. Compared with the general DID method, the synthetic control method can obtain a more objective control group.
The empirical results of this paper show that the effects of the tax reform policies in Shanghai and Chongqing have a certain inhibitory effect on housing prices. However, due to the differences in the characteristics of the cities and the specific implementation policies, it is found that their policy effects are also quite different. This paper also finds that Therefore, it is difficult to simulate Shanghai with the synthetic control method.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究目的及意義 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究貢獻 2
1.2研究架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧與相關理論分析 3
2.1房地產稅對於房價影響的相關文獻回顧 3
2.2中國房地產稅相關理論 6
第三章 現行政策介紹 8
第四章 數據與研究方法介紹 10
4.1合成控制法歷史介紹 10
4.2模型設計 11
4.3選用數據介紹 13
4.4敘述統計 16
第五章 實證結果與穩健性測試 19
5.1實證結果 19
5.2穩健性測試 27
第六章 結論與政策建議 30
參考文獻 32
表1:試點城市的政策實施細則 9
表2:控制變量與房價的相關性 15
表3:各地房地產價格月資料 17
表4:合成控制法重慶市擬合結果 19
表5: 重慶市政策發生前擬合結果 19
表6:2010.06-2012-09重慶市與合成重慶的各月房價數據 21
表7:合成控制法上海市擬合結果 23
表8:上海市政策發生前擬合結果 24
表9:2010.06-2012-09上海市與合成上海的各月房價數據 25
表10:穩健性檢測之DID結果 28
圖1:2010.06-2012-09重慶市與合成重慶的各月房價對比 21
圖2:2010.06-2012-09重慶市與合成重慶的差值折線圖 23
圖3:2010.06-2012-09上海市與合成上海的各月房價對比 25
圖4:2010.06-2012-09上海市與合成上海的差值折線圖 27
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