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研究生(外文):Chang, Chih-Chi
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Impact of Code.org Curriculum Design on the Computational Thinking of Third-Grade Elementary School Students
指導教授(外文):Chao, Jen-Yi
口試委員(外文):Ku, Ta-WeiChang, Hsun-Li
外文關鍵詞:Computational ThinkingCode.orgProgramming Education
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一、在Computational Thinking課程中,學生能找出遊戲規則並遊玩。
二、在Algorithms (Tangrams)課程中,大部分的學生能依照指令正確地排出正確圖形,然而少部分的學生在方位判斷上會有誤解。
四、在Hour of Code (Classic Maze)課程中,有19名學生能完成前十關的關卡,然而卻無法掌握好抽象化概念。
五、本研究課程分別為Computational Thinking、Algorithms (Tangrams)、Sequencing和Hour of Code (Classic Maze) 。學生最喜愛的課程是Hour of Code (Classic Maze)。

With the development of information, our daily lives are indispensable for technology. The guideline of 12-year Basic Education indicates learning Computational Thinking and programming are becoming more and more important. The ages of objects in this study were very young. Besides, they were beginners to learn Computational Thinking. Therefore, the main materials for them were unplugged activities and block-based programming. Code.org. was a good resource for the youngers. The purpose of this study was to comprehend learning process and learning effectiveness on Computational Thinking of the third-grade students when they learned Code.org. Therefore, the researcher adopted related lessons from Code.org and adjusted the lesson plans to be much suitable for the objects. Involving 24 students from an elementary school districted in Hisnchu were as the objects. The study took 40 minutes per session for 10 sessions. The study used one-group pretest-posttest design as research method. Worksheets were as the data analysis for realizing stendents’ learning process. Researcher picked the tasks which were suitable for the objects from 2018-2019 Bebras tasks in Australia. The study results showed as below:
1. On the Computaional Thinking classes, objects were able to find out the rules and played the game.
2. On the Algorithms (Tangrams) classes, most of the objects were able to follow the instructions and put the shapes in the correct places. Few of objects had misconceptions of the positions.
3. On the Sequencing classes, most of objects were able to use the symbols and codes to finished the worksheet sussesfully. Few of objects had misconceptions of the positions.
4. In “Hour of Code” activity, there were 19 objects were able to finish the levels from first to the tenth. Some of the objects couldn’t comprehend the concept of abstract.
5. The courses of this study included Computational Thinking, Algorithms (Tangrams), Sequencing and Hour of Code (Classic Maze). The favorite course of Objects was Hour of Code (Classic Maze).
6. The mean from posttest was better than the pretest also achieved significant differences; therefore, learning Code.org could promote objects’ Computational Thinking abilities.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 2
第三節 名詞解釋 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第五節 研究貢獻 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 我國資訊教育的發展與現況 7
第二節 運算思維意涵 11
第三節 程式教育意涵 44
第三章 研究方法 59
第一節 研究流程 59
第二節 研究對象 60
第三節 課程設計 60
第四節 研究工具與信效度 74
第五節 資料蒐集與分析 75
第四章 研究結果與討論 77
第一節 Code.org課程之學習歷程 77
第二節 Code.org課程對學生運算思維之影響 96
第五章 結論與建議 101
第一節 結論 101
第二節 建議. 102
參考文獻 105
附錄一 前測PPT 122
附錄二 前測測驗卷 127
附錄三 Computational Thinking PPT 129
附錄四 Computational Thinking 學習單 133
附錄五 Algorithm (Tangrams) PPT 135
附錄六 Algorithm (Tangrams) 學習單 140
附錄七 Sequencing PPT 141
附錄八 Sequencing 學習單 144
附錄九 後測PPT 146
附錄十 後測答案卷 150
附錄十一 學生回饋單 152
附錄十二 Code.org網站Computational Thinking活動學習單 153
附錄十三 Code.org網站Computational Thinking評估學習單 156
附錄十四 Code.org Tangrams 評估學習單 157

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