This thesis is inspired by the terrifying dreams produced by my life events and conducts creative research on the self-exploration and the artistic experiment. The self-exploration is based on the theory of the relationship between dreams and the subconscious from the perspective of psychiatry (Carl Gustav Jung, 1875-1961), and on the personal experience of psychological energy imbalances and fluctuations when facing the crises. It tried to explore how the process of "individualization" when individuals tend to the "self" integrity, through the adjustment between conscious (self) and subconscious (id). The exploration suggests that recognizing the "regressive" power of loss and trauma in one's own life has positive implications for reinterpreting and integrating one's life. The artistic creation aims to build the connection between inner perception and external media, form, etc., based on the interpretation of "spirituality" in the "material" world (Wassilly Kandinsky,1866-1944). By using the multi-layered material properties of the fabric, the possibilities of expressions connecting with self-exploration, emotion and psychotherapy are created. The creation hopes to inspire the lost who have the same experience as me to re-open the possibility of life by combining the artistic expression with the spiritual level.
Keywords:dream interpretation, individualization,spirituality