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論文名稱(外文):Comparative Study of Free Running Ship Model Course Control Between the Course-Keeping Control and the Track-Keeping Control
指導教授(外文):Jing-Fa Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Course-keeping controlTrack-keeping controlFuzzy ControlParallelogram Correction
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The purpose of this study is to compare the difference between the course-keeping control and the track-keeping control of a free running model ship under the condition of wind and current. The course-keeping control is based on fuzzy control and the track-keeping control consists of fuzzy control and parallelogram correction. The scenario of the course-keeping control experiments is to make the model ship placing at the route and sailing along the course by compass. The scenario of the track-keeping control experiments is to make the model ship located at 1.8m to the left of the route and setting the height of parallelogram to be 5、10、15、20、25、and 30 times the ship length. Then, the displacement of the ship model and new reference course is determined by the Global Position System. Finally, the desired rudder angle is calculated by the fuzzy controller. The optimal parallelogram height for track-keeping control is 20 times the length of the ship model from the test results.
The course-keeping control experiments results show that the variation of the course angle of the model ship is between 1° and -3°and the average course angle is 0.975°. The maximum displacement is 5.163 meters (about 9.2 times ship model breadth) and the average displacement is 1.610 meters. The variation of the rudder angle is between 6° and -2° and the average rudder angle is 1.876°.
The track-keeping control experiment results show that the model ship can sail on the route. When the model ship arrives in the route, the variation of the course angle of the model ship maintains balance between 4° and -4° and the average course angle is 2.007°. The maximum displacement is 0.727 meters (about 1.3 ship model breadth) and the average displacement is 0.319 meters. The variation of the rudder angle is between 6° and-7° and the average rudder angle is 2.776°. From the test results of the course-keeping and the track-keeping control, we can see that the course-keeping control can’t navigate on the route due to the influence of wind and current. However, the track-keeping control can arrive in the route and navigate stably along the route under wind and current. The average displacement of track-keeping control is smaller than that of the course-keeping control, but the average course angle and rudder angle are both larger than that of the course-keeping control.
摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
符號說明 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2文獻回顧 1
1-3研究動機 3
1-4研究方法與目的 3
1-5論文結構 3
第二章 船模與環境介紹 5
2-1船模介紹 5
2-2設備介紹及校正流程 6
2-2-1全球定位系統 6
2-2-2電子羅盤 7
2-2-3風速計 7
2-2-4資料擷取卡 8
2-3實驗環境說明 8
第三章 控制系統與理論介紹 9
3-1航向保持控制系統 9
3-1-1模糊集合與歸屬函數 9
3-1-2 模糊控制器介紹 9
3-1-3模糊控制器之推論流程 11
3-1-4量化因子與比例因子調整說明 12
3-2航跡保持控制系統 13
3-2-1平行修正導航法介紹 13
3-2-2平行修正導航法計算流程說明 13
第四章 試驗結果與討論 16
4-1航向保持控制試驗 16
4-2航跡保持控制試驗 17
4-3航向及航跡保持控制比較 19
第五章 結論與建議 21
5-1結論 21
5-2建議 21
文獻參考 22
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