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論文名稱(外文):Using creative arts to explore adolescent’s problematic internet use
外文關鍵詞:Problematic internet useAdolescentsPsychological needsPhenomenology AnalysisExternal and Internal Process in internet statusCreative Arts
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本研究的目的是:1)運用創作性藝術來了解青少年的未被滿足的心理需求而導致他們的大部分時間和生活都依賴於網絡。2)運用創作性藝術來探討青少年問題使用網絡狀態的內在歷程 3)運用創作性藝術來探討青少年問題使用網絡狀態的外在歷程。參與本研究的三位研究參與者分別為13歲,15歲以及17歲的青少年,本研究的研究方法是現象學,運用滾雪球取樣運用朋友推薦的,被介紹的三位青少年將被邀請來進行訪談,是半結構的深度訪談,訪談將分為三個部分,每一個訪談為1小時,共訪談6次。首先是瞭解他們的個人信息,目的是瞭解參與者的背景,第二部分是青少年的心理需求,最後一部分是青少年在網絡狀態下的內外部歷程。在訪談之前,研究者請參與者在家進行30分鐘的創作性藝術活動來增進青少年對自己的自我認識以達到在採訪中能夠更多的說出對應研究目的的答案。數據分析採用現象學分析,共3步驟,在3位青少年中,其中1位的狀況較嚴重,所以他的心理需求隨之內外歷程較多變化,其餘的2位只有內在歷程較大的幅度。在心理需求上雖然他們都說在成長的過程中有很多缺失的心理需求,但是3位參與者共同指明都希望可以得到家庭的體諒跟理解,甚至能夠好好的跟家人溝通,因為這些需求都不被滿足,他們都把所有缺失的需求都放到網絡裡來填滿他們心中的空缺。他們寧願跟網上不認識的人敘述心事都不跟家人或者學校的同學,因為他們覺得他們都不會明白,因此這導致他們對網路的需求更加的嚴重。3位參與者也有講述運用創作性來讓他們梳理情緒是一件很有幫助的事情,因為透過畫畫他們能夠可以把心裡面無法講述的東西說出來,也可以知道原來網上對他們來說是如此。總結來說,創作性藝術活動的確能幫助網路不當使用的青少年來探討他們的心理需求以及內外在歷程。
The research objective was: 1) To identify the psychological needs of adolescents that cause them to be problematic on the internet by using creative art. 2) To explore the internal process of adolescents in their problematic internet status by using creative art. 3) To explore the external process of adolescents in their problematic internet status by using creative art. The research participants of this study were three adolescents that in their age 13 15 and 17 years old, the research method for this study is phenomenology analysis, by snowball sampling, which is by friends recommendation. The interview was semi-structure in-depth interview which divided into 3 parts, and an hour for each interview, there were 6 interviews conducted. First interview session was to understand about their personal information, this purpose is to get informed about the participants background, the second interview focused on the psychological needs of the adolescents and internal and external process of adolescents in their internet state. Before the interview, the researcher conducted creative art-based activity at home for 30 minutes to let the adolescents know more about themselves, and by doing this they were able to elaborate more during the interview. Later, data analysis was conducted by phenomenology analysis, which consisted of 3 steps. Among the three adolescents, one of them had a more serious condition, so his psychological needs were more intense with the internal and external process, while the other two had stronger feelings with the internal process than external process. On the psychological needs, although the participants mentioned there were many unmet psychological needs, but all of them stated the same needs they always wanted most were able to receive trust, compassion and communication from their family, as all these needs were unmet, they rather pour out their inner hearts to anonymous strangers online rather than their family or friends at school. They assumed that people offline would not understand hence this increased their urge on the internet even more. Besides, 3 participants said it was helpful to use creative art-based activity on them because it helped them to sort out their emotions, and they were able to disclose more with the help of their artwork, and to understand that this is what the internet is for them. To conclude, creative art-based activities indeed helped adolescents who have problematic internet usage to explore their psychological needs and internal and external processes.


1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Research Objective and Research Questions 7
1.2.1 Research Objective 7
1.2.2 Research Questions 8
1.3 Definition of Key Terms 9
1.3.1 Problematic internet use 9
1.3.2 Creative art in adolescents 9
1.3.3 Internal process in adolescents 10
1.3.4 External process in adolescents 11
1.3.5 Psychological Needs 12
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the study 13
1.4.1 Scope of the study 13
1.4.2 Limitations of the study 13

2.1 Adolescents development throughout the digital age 15
2.1.1 Physical and mentally effect of the internet brings to the adolescents 15
2.1.2 Physical challenges faced by the adolescents in this digital age 19
2.1.3 Related studies in adolescents development throughout the digital age 25
2.2 The psychological needs in problematic internet use in adolescents 27
2.2.1 Unmet psychological needs in adolescents cause to problematic internet usage 27
2.2.2 Related studies psychological needs in problematic internet use in adolescents 30
2.3 Internal and external process of adolescent in problematic internet status 35
2.3.1 The internal process of adolescent in their problematic internet status 35
2.3.2 Lazarus’s cognitive-appraisal theory in adolescents’ problematic internet use 39
2.3.3 The external process of adolescent in their problematic internet status 42
2.3.4 Related Studies in internal and external process of problematic internet status 47
2.4 Creative art-based activity in helping adolescents of problematic internet usage 50
2.4.1 Creative art in adolescents 51
2.4.2 Related studies in creative art-based activity in helping adolescents of problematic internet usage 55

3.1 Research Methodology 59
3.2 Research Method 59
3.3 Research Design 63
3.4 Research Participants 63
3.5 Research Tools 64
3.6 Analysis and Presentation of Data 65
3.7 Research Ethics 67

4.1 Analysis of artwork 71
4.1.1 A 73
4.1.2 B 75
4.1.3 C 76
4.2 The psychological needs of adolescents that cause them to be problematic on the internet by using creative arts 78
4.2.1 Need to be understand by family 78
4.2.2 Replace emptiness 80
4.3 The internal process form in adolescent’s problematic internet status by using creative arts 81
4.3.1 Before using the internet: Positive emotions in the internet 81
4.3.2 Ongoing using the internet: Fluctuated emotions depending on the situation 83
4.3.3 After using the internet: Bad emotions from struggling to offline 83
4.4 The external process form in adolescent’s problematic internet status by using creative arts 84
4.4.1 Before using the internet: Positive behavior patterns 84
4.4.2 Ongoing using the internet: Forget time and felt helplessly uncontrollable about their action 85
4.4.3 After using the internet: Violent or anger from detachment 86

5.1 The psychological needs of adolescents that cause them to be problematic internet users by using creative art 87
5.2 The internal process of adolescents in their problematic internet status by using creative art 89
5.3 The external process of adolescents in their problematic internet status by using creative art 93
5.4 Conclusion and future suggestion 94
5.4.1 Limitation 94
5.4.2 Future suggestions 96

Appendix A Invitation to participate in the research 108
Appendix B Guardian and adolescents consent form 110
Appendix C Creative art-based activity 113
Appendix D Interview Questions 114
Appendix E Researcher’s professional background 116
Appendix F Reflection Report 117

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