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Author (Eng.):Hung-Sheng Chiu
Title (Eng.):The battle between supply and demand of medical devices under COVID-19
Advisor:曹譽鐘曹譽鐘 author reflink
advisor (eng):Yu-Chung Tsao
Oral Defense Committee:林義貴林希偉
Oral Defense Committee (eng):Yi-Guei LinXi-Wei Lin
oral defense date:2022-05-31
Narrow Field:商業及管理學門
Detailed Field:其他商業及管理學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2022
Graduated Academic Year:110
number of pages:61
keyword (chi):資源基礎理論豐田管理模式精實生產動作研究ECRS原則標竿學習
keyword (eng):Basic Resource TheoryAbundant Field Management ModelLean ProductionAction ResearchECRS PrinciplesJavelin Learning
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  • HitsHits:62
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The case discussed in this paper is the production line of closed sputum suction tube of company B, which has stable growth and capacity planning every year. Due to its excellent quality and high-cost performance, it gradually occupies a place in the market and accounts for an increasing proportion of the company's overall revenue year by year. Therefore, in the 2020 plan, it is expected to increase the original capacity of 60000 sets per month to 80000 sets per month by the end of the year, so as to further expand the market.
During covid-19, the market demand for the closed sputum suction tube of company B increased sharply from 60000 sets per month to 160000 sets, and the company's original plan to increase the annual production capacity to 80000 sets has been unable to meet the market demand of 160000 sets per month. After the evaluation of resource-based theory, the company decided to rapidly increase the production capacity so that the supply can meet the demand, using Toyota Management Mode and lean production, Carrying out action research, and inspecting the production line according to ECRs principles, making overall planning, establish assembly line and complete personnel education and training and multi-functional worker training, and carry out process improvement and automation machine development through benchmarking learning, so as to improve the overall production capacity and continuously improve and maintain the competitiveness of the enterprise.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第1章 個案本文 1
第1節 開場白 1
第2節 個案公司介紹 3
第3節 個案所面臨的困境 7
第4節 改善報告 11
第5節 改善效益 27
第6節 問題討論 29
第2章 教學指引 30
第1節 個案總覽 30
第2節 教學目標與指引 31
第3節 學員課前準備與討論 33
第4節 適用課程與對象 34
第5節 課程理論 35
第6節 教學總結 45
第7節 教學建議與時間分配 48
第8節 板書規劃 49
第3章 參考文獻(待修改) 50
第1節 中文文獻 50
第2節 英文文獻 51
第3節 網路文獻 52
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