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研究生(外文):Sih-Min Hsiung
論文名稱:基於直接量測試驗探討 鉛心橡膠支承墊之尺寸與溫度效應
論文名稱(外文):Experimental study of scale and temperature-rise effects on mechanical behavior of lead-rubber bearings using direct measurement
指導教授(外文):Shiang-Jung Wang
口試委員(外文):Jenn-Shin HwangYin-Nan HuangFu-Pei HsiaoChung-Han YuShiang-Jung Wang
外文關鍵詞:dynamic biaxial testing systemlead-rubber bearingdirect measurementscale effectsimilitude lawtemperature-rise effect
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Large-scale multiaxial testing facilities mainly serve to experimentally examine the actual horizontal behavior of full-scale, critical structural members on which a large vertical compressive load is exerted simultaneously, such as columns and seismic isolation bearings. One of such testing facilities in the world is the dynamic biaxial testing system (BATS) in National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) Tainan laboratory, which began operation in 2016. By using this testing facility, in this study, several full-scale and a scale-down lead-rubber bearings are designed and manufactured, to demonstrate that the dynamic behavior of full-scale rubber bearings can be equivalently presented through testing small-scale ones designed with considering suitable similitude laws. Three similitude laws are adopted, including similar vertical compressive stress, average horizontal rate, and average horizontal shear strain applied to the scale-down bearings to be tested. In addition, the temperature-rise effect during disturbance on the characteristic strength of lead-rubber bearings is experimentally examined, which meanwhile verify the accuracy and conservatism of the previously developed mathematical models. By comparing the experimental measurement with the control algorithms of BATS based on the static and dynamic equilibrium assumptions, the dynamic control performance of vertical hydraulic actuators of BATS is further examined.
To have more reliable and more direct measurement results, i.e., to preclude the system friction and inertia force from the measurement, which is very important especially for testing specimens with low horizontal force resistance (small-scale specimens in general), in this study, a direct force measurement system comprising a steel reaction frame, several natural-rubber bearings, and a steel intermediate plate is designed and fabricated. Mechanically, as for transmitting vertical compressive load, the specimen, intermediate plate, and natural-rubber bearings are connected in series to one another. Furthermore, as for transmitting shear force, the four prestressed rods are connected in parallel to the natural-rubber bearings, and the specimen is connected in series to the parallel combined natural-rubber bearings and prestressed rods. Finite-element analysis is conducted to check in detail the stress and deformation of each component in the direct force measurement system under the considered loading scenarios. The results obtained by the direct force measurement system are compared with those calibrated using the previously empirical calibration approach, to further verify the feasibility of the proposed direct force measurement strategy.
After demonstrating the dynamic control performance of BATS and the feasibility of the direct force measurement, the test results of the full-scale and scale-down lead-rubber bearings are compared and discussed. Through the comparison in terms of hysteresis loops, effective stiffness, equivalent damping ratio, and characteristic strength, it is found that among the three considered similitude laws, adopting average horizontal rate can better and accurately characterize the scale effect on the important mechanical properties of lead-rubber bearings.
摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究重點及內容 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 鉛心橡膠支承墊基本力學行為 5
2.2 雙彈簧模型 6
2.3 彈性模數修正 8
2.4 鉛心橡膠支承墊之縮尺試驗 9
2.5 鉛心橡膠支承墊之鉛心溫度效應 9
第三章 雙軸向動態試驗系統控制方法討論 13
3.1 雙軸向動態試驗系統規格 13
3.2 控制邏輯與誤差修正探討 13
3.2.1 目的 13
3.2.2 分析方法與假設 14 無摩擦力靜力平衡 16 無摩擦力動力平衡 17 有摩擦力靜力平衡 18 有摩擦力動力平衡 20
3.3 小結與討論 20
第四章 直接量測系統設計 23
4.1 目的 23
4.2 BATS系統參數識別 23
4.3 系統設計與初步分析 25
4.3.1 直接量測系統之傳力機制 25
4.3.2 簡化假設與分析 26 抗旋轉勁度比較 26 轉接版強度檢核 28
4.4 有限元素分析驗證 28
4.4.1 有限元素分析軟體使用與介紹 28
4.4.2 垂直軸壓分析 29 模型建置及介面假設 29 分析結果探討 30
4.4.3 試驗條件分析 31 模型建置及介面假設 31 分析結果探討 31
第五章 鉛心橡膠支承墊試驗 33
5.1 試驗目的 33
5.2 試驗規劃 33
5.2.1 試體設計 33
5.2.2 試驗項目設計 34
5.2.3 量測儀器 36
5.2.4 試驗安裝 37
第六章 鉛心橡膠支承墊試驗結果 39
6.1 數據分析 39
6.2 雙彈簧模型模擬試驗結果 40
6.3 溫度模型模擬試驗結果 41
6.4 尺寸效應試驗結果探討 42
6.4.1 垂直軸壓相依性 43
6.4.2 平均水平速率相依性 43
6.4.3 平均剪應變率相依性 44
6.5 小結與討論 44
第七章 直接量測系統試驗後檢討 47
7.1 遲滯迴圈比較 47
7.2 外接式光學量測儀器結果探討 48
7.2.1 轉接版 49
7.2.2 直接量測系統構架 49
第八章 結論與未來展望 51
8.1 結論 51
8.2 未來展望 53
參考文獻 55
附表 57
附圖 89
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