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研究生(外文):Sun, I-Ming
論文名稱(外文):Water pollution detection and disposable clinical trial measurement using vertical-channel organic semiconductor gas sensor
指導教授(外文):Meng, Hsin-Fei
口試委員(外文):Chang, Cheng-HungMeng, Hsin-FeiChen, Chang-Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Water qualityamine gas sensorbacteriahousehold wastewaterbad odorChronic kidney diseasehuman skin gas
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現今常見的水質檢測大多需要花費大量的時間和經費在分析水質,因此快速檢測水質優劣並利用簡單方式淨化水質的技術對水資源被汙染和逐漸匱乏的區域來說極為重要,在本研究中,我們將利用垂直孔洞有機半導體氣體感測器快速、簡便的檢測水質,並利用鮭魚、蝦米、魚乾等混和物來模擬廚房產生的汙水並將樣品用35℃隔水加熱下使其自然腐爛,當細菌隨著時間跟著快速增長這類含有動物殘骸的水源會因細菌分解其中的蛋白質、脂質進而產生氨類、硫化物等會產生惡臭的氣體,因此細菌量為飲用水標準中一項重要的指標,台灣的水質飲用標準為總菌落數低於100 cfu/100ml,我們希望能利用對氨類氣體相當靈敏的垂直孔洞感測元件來量測水質樣品腐敗過程中不同時間點所揮發的氣體多寡,並與3M總生菌快檢片中產生的總生菌量做對比,觀察水質樣品中揮發的氣體與總生菌量之間的關聯並加以應用於水質檢測上。實驗中我們也對水質樣品做了過濾、煮沸、UV等日常生活中可以看到的簡單殺菌法來降低樣品中的細菌量,希望能找到一個簡便及環保的方式淨化周遭的水質使其達到生飲標準。
Nowadays, most of common water quality testing requires a lot of time and money to analyze water quality. Therefore, the technology use for rapid detect water quality and use simple methods to purify water is extremely important for the areas where water resources are polluted or gradually become scarce. In this study, we will detect water quality rapidly and easily by using vertical-channel organic semiconductor gas sensor, we use the mixture of salmon, shrimp, dried fish to simulate the sewage generated by the kitchen, water sample was stored at 35°C and rotted naturally, when the bacteria in water sample grow rapidly as time goes on, water sample which containing animal remains will produce odorous gases such as ammonia, sulfide, etc. due to the bacteria decomposition proteins and lipids in the sample. Therefore, the amount of bacteria is one of the important indicator about drinking water. Drinking water standard in Taiwan is that the total number of colonies is less than 100 cfu/100ml in drinking water. We hope we can measure polluted water samples in a different time period during the corruption by using vertical-channel organic semiconductor gas sensor which is sensitive to ammonia gas and compare the response of water gas with the total amount of bacteria produced by 3MTM PetrifilmTM and finding a connection between the volatilized gas in the water sample and the total bacteria amount and apply it to water quality testing. In this study, we also use some simple sterilization methods that can be seen in daily life, such as filtration, boiling, UV, etc., in order to reduce the amount of bacteria in the samples. We hope we can find a simple and environmentally friendly way to purify the surrounding water quality and make it up to standard of drinking water.

At the same time, in the past two years, due to the severe epidemic situation in Taiwan, the opportunities for our team to go to the hospital to conduct clinical cooperation cases of human breath ammonia and hand gas for kidney patients have gradually decreased. Due to this reason, we simplified our measurement device and developed a disposable clinical water pipe to accomplish the possibility of remote clinical experiments, we have completed two clinical experiments during severe epidemic past two years by using disposable clinical device. We hope to develop a more easy and simple measurement tool that can be operate by patients them self on this basis.
第一章 :緒論 ...............................................................................................................1
1-4 拋棄式臨床收案水管研究背景.............................................................................3
1-5 拋棄式臨床收案水管研究動機.............................................................................4
1-7 論文架構.................................................................................................................5
第二章 :有機材料與半導體物理簡介.........................................................................7
2-1 有機材料特性介紹.................................................................................................7
2-2 共軛高分子有機材料.............................................................................................7
2-3 載子傳輸機制.......................................................................................................10
2-3-1蕭特基接觸(Schottky Contact)接觸原理..........................................................11
2-3-2歐姆接觸(Ohmic Contact)接觸原理.................................................................13
2-3-3塊材限制(Bulk Limited) ...................................................................................15
2-3-4空間電荷限制電流理論(SCLC:Space Charge Limited Current) .....................16
2-4 有機材料氣體感測原理.......................................................................................18
第三章 :有機半導體氨氣感測元件製程與量測.......................................................19
3-1 感測元件基板圖案製作.......................................................................................19
3-2 垂直孔洞結構氣體感測元件製程.......................................................................24
3-3 量測系統介紹.......................................................................................................33
第四章 : 污染水質氣體及細菌量關聯與分析.........................................................39
4-2 氣體感測器訊號分析...........................................................................................40
4-2-1 背景訊號確認...................................................................................................40
4-2-2 汙水樣品訊號分析...........................................................................................41
4-2-3 自製濾心、200℃高溫煮沸訊號分析.............................................................42
4-2-4 200℃高溫煮沸、樣品照射UVC訊號分析.................................................44
4-3 生菌檢測菌落分析...............................................................................................46
4-4 實驗量測結果與趨勢分析...................................................................................48
4-4-1 35℃等溫培養細菌4小時後樣品照射UV追蹤結果.................................48
4-4-2 35℃等溫培養細菌4小時後過濾+UV & 純過濾追蹤結果.......................50
4-4-3 35℃等溫培養細菌24小時後UV & 200℃煮沸追蹤結果.........................51
4-4-4 鮭魚湯樣品細菌量與等效氨濃度趨勢圖.....................................................52
第五章: 拋棄式臨床水管量測手部氣體..................................................................54
5-1 可拋棄式臨床水管設計......................................................................................54
5-2 可拋棄式臨床水管臨床模擬實驗......................................................................56
5-3 可拋棄式臨床水管手部氣體遠端臨床實驗.......................................................59
第六章 : 研究總結及未來展望.................................................................................62
6-1 研究總結...............................................................................................................62
6-2 未來展望...............................................................................................................62
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