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研究生(外文):Huang, Siao-Cing
論文名稱:透過課程強化學習探索可移動物件與避障導航於多樣化 3D 環境搜救任務
論文名稱(外文):PokingBot: Exploring Movable Obstacles while Avoid Collisions in Diverse 3D Environments via Curriculum Reinforcement Learning for Search and Rescue Missions
指導教授(外文):Wang, Hsueh-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Wang, Hsueh-ChengYoung, Kuu-YoungWu, I-ChenChen, Hung-Wen
外文關鍵詞:Movable ObstaclesSearch and Rescue RobotsCollision AvoidanceCurriculum LearningDeep Reinforcement Learning
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摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables ix

1 Introduction ... 1
2 Related Work ... 4
2.1 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Navigation ... 4
2.2 Transfer Learning ... 5
2.3 Learning by Demonstration ... 6
2.4 Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) ...6
2.5 Curriculum Learning ...7
3 PokingBot System Descriptions ... 9
3.1 System Overview ... 9
3.2 System Requirements ... 9
3.3 Assumptions ... 10
3.4 Hardware ... 10
3.5 Manipulation ... 10
3.6 Perception ... 11
3.7 Robot Counterpart in Simulations ... 13
4 Curriculum Reinforcement Learning ... 15
4.1 Design Considerations ... 15
4.2 Reinforcement Learning Settings ... 16
4.3 Curriculum Training Processes ... 19
4.3.1 Literature Review ... 19
4.3.2 Designs ... 20
4.3.3 Curriculum Scheduler ... 21
4.3.4 Analysis of Stage 1 and Stage 2 ... 21
5 Diverse Environments and Difficulty Levels ... 26
5.1 Environment Description ... 26
5.2 Metrics for Quantitative Analysis of Difficulty ... 28
5.3 Curriculum Training in Various Environments ... 29
6 Navigation in Diverse Simulated Environment ... 41
6.1 Metrics ... 41
6.2 Baseline methods ... 41
6.3 Movable Obstacle Conditions ... 42
6.4 Navigation in DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit Alpha Run ... 42
6.5 Environment Generalization ... 43
7 Real­world Experiments ... 49
7.1 Navigation in Matterport3D and Actual Counterpart Environments ... 49
8 Conclusions ... 53
References ...54
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