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研究生(外文):Chung, Chun-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The influence of consumers’ fast-fashion brand personality congruence on brand equity and repurchase intention: the moderating effect of green consumption values
指導教授(外文):Chen, Mei-Fang
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chieh-PengLiu, Na-TingChen, Mei-Fang
外文關鍵詞:brand personality congruencebrand equityrepurchase intentiongreen consumption valuesfast fashion
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摘要 ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1 Brand personality congruence 6
2.2 Brand equity 9
2.3 Green consumption values 12
Chapter 3 Methodology 14
3.1 Research Framework 14
3.2 Hypothesis Development 14
3.2.1 Brand Personality Congruence and Brand Equity 14
3.2.2 Brand Personality Congruence and Repurchase Intention 16
3.2.3 Brand Equity and Repurchase Intention 16
3.2.4 The Moderating Role of Green Consumption Values 17
3.3 Data Collection 18
3.4 Questionnaire Design and Measure 18
3.5 Pre-test Analysis Results 22
3.6 Analysis Methods 23
3.6.1 Descriptive Statistics Analysis 23
3.6.2 Reliability Analysis 23
3.6.3 Validity Analysis 23
3.6.4 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Analysis 23
3.6.5 Moderation Analysis 24
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results 25
4.1 Descriptive Statistic 25
4.2 Measurement model 27
4.2.1 Model Fit 28
4.2.2 Reliability and Validity 29
4.3 Structural model 31
4.3.1 Model fit 31
4.3.2 Hypotheses testing 32
4.4 Test of Moderation 34
4.5 Test of Mediation 36
Chapter 5 Discussion 38
5.1 Conclusions 38
5.2 Managerial implications 40
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research 41
References 43
Appendix 1 Questionnaire 53
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