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研究生(外文):Ejaz Ahmad
論文名稱(外文):Dynamic Effects of Motion Profiles for Gough-Stewart Platform
外文關鍵詞:Parallel ManipulatorTrajectory generationMotion ProfilesSingularity configurationJerk-optimizationCycloid Motion
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本研究針對不同運動軌跡及其對高夫·史都華平台的動態影響進行比較。在許多工業應用中,機械手需要以平順、穩定和連續的方式在所需的軌跡上運動。高速運動可能會磨損機器人的结構,造成機械結構的共振頻率和增強振動,從而損壞致動器的結構。由於高夫·史都華平台具有高精度、剛性、負載和最高速度的特點,因此需要優化軌跡運動曲線以使平台連續平穩移動,從而提高運動精度。與傳統方法不同,本研究將軌跡運動曲線視為使用擺線運動曲線的優化問题,與三次和五次多項式之運動曲線進行比較。賈可比矩陣則用於識別沿移動平台路徑的任何地方是否出現奇異點 (det(J)=0) 。
最後,結合使用均方根誤差(RMSE)和平均差分誤差(ADE)的分析方法,研究和分析理論軌跡與實際軌跡之間的不準確性。此外,在 Recurdyn 和 MATLAB 上進行了模擬,結果證明了本研究提出的技術的有效性。

Parallel robotic manipulators have recently attracted a lot of interest in industrial applications and the robotic discipline due to their improved precision, maximum throughput, stiffness, heavy haul and high speed. The current model of general-purpose six degrees of freedom Gough-Stewart parallel robot manipulator is among the most prominent parallel manipulators comprises of a fixed base, a moving platform, six linear actuators, six prismatic joints, six universal joints between the fixed base and the actuators, and six universal joints between the actuators and the moving platform.
This work presents a comparative study among different trajectory motion profiles and their effect on dynamics of Gough-Stewart Platform. In many industrial applications, it is necessary for manipulator to move on a desired trajectory in a smooth, stable and continuous manner. High jerk in motion may wear out the robot structure, excite the body structures’ resonance frequencies and enhance vibrations which can damage the actuator's structure. In order to avoid unnecessary vibrations, trajectory generation profiles need to be optimized to move platform continuously smooth and hence enhance the movement accuracy. Unlike conventional methods, this work considered trajectory motion profiles as an optimization problem using Cycloidal motion curve in comparison with the cubic and quintic polynomial motion profiles with constraint conditions of kinematic parameters and execution time. The Jacobian matrix is employed to identify singularities (det(J)=0) that may occur anywhere along pathway of the moving platform.
Finally, the inaccuracies between the theoretical trajectory and actual model simulation trajectory will be investigated and analysed with considering the analytical methods using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Average Difference Error (ADE). Moreover, Simulations on Recurdyn and MATLAB were carried out, and the results demonstrated the efficacy of the technique proposed in this work.

English abstract......i
Chinese abstract......iii
Table of Contents......vi
List of Tables......x
List of Figures......xi
1.1 General View......1
1.1.1 Parallel robot Manipulators and their applications......2
1.1.2 Gough-Stewart robot manipulator......5
1.1.3 Degrees of mobility of Gough-Stewart Platform......6
1.1.4 Kinematics of Gough-Stewart manipulator robot......7
1.1.5 Trajectory Tracking of Gough-Stewart manipulator robot:......8
1.2 Research Objectives......10
1.3 Thesis Outline......11
3.1 Introduction......18
3.2 Gough-Stewart robot manipulator kinematics analysis......18
3.2.1 homogeneous coordinates transformation of Gough-Stewart Platform......19
3.2.2 Inverse Kinematics Problem (IKP) of Gough-Stewart Platform......21
3.2.3 Forward Kinematics Problem (FKP) of Gough-Stewart Platform......22
3.3 Jacobian Matrix of Gough-Stewart Platform......26
3.4 Path planning of Gough-Stewart platform......30
3.5 Motion Profiles for Gough-Stewart Platform......31
3.5.1 Cubic Polynomial Motion Profile......32
3.5.2 Quintic Polynomial Motion Profile......32
3.5.3 Cycloid Motion Profile......33
3.6 Dynamic analysis of Gough-Stewart Platform......34
4.1 Introduction......37
4.2 Mechanical Parts......37
4.3 Electronics Parts......40
4.4 Simulation Steps in Recurdyn......42
5.1 Introduction......44
5.2 Performance Analysis of Motion Profiles for Gough-Stewart Platform......45
5.2.1 Case 1: Cubic Polynomial Motion Profiles......46
5.2.2 Case 2: Quintic Polynomial Motion Profiles......48
5.2.3 Case 3: Cycloid Function Motion Profiles......50
5.3 Effect of Motion Profiles on Joints Reaction Forces and Torques......54
5.4 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Average Difference Error (ADE) Analysis......58
5.5 Singularity detection by Jacobian matrix and dynamics analysis......61
Appendix A MATLAB Code for Kinematics and Jacobian Matrix
Appendix A.1 Inverse Kinematics
Appendix A.2 Forward Kinematics
Appendix A.3 Jacobian Matrix for singularity detection
Appendix B Reaction Forces and Torques in Joint of all six Actuators
Appendix B.1 Forces and Torques across Cubic Polynomial Function
Appendix B.2 Forces and Torques across Quintic Polynomial Function
Appendix B.1 Forces and Torques across Cycloid Function
Appendix C RMSE and ADE Values for Position, Velocity, Acceleration and Jerk
Appendix C.1 RMSE and ADE Value for Cubic Polynomial Function
Appendix C.2 RMSE and ADE Value for Quintic Polynomial Function
Appendix C.3 RMSE and ADE Value for Cycloid Function

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