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研究生(外文):DAO TUAN ANH
論文名稱(外文):The Gear and Brake Dynamic Machining Mechanisms Virtual Model Analysis of Precision Machine Systems
指導教授(外文):HWANG, YUNN-LIN
外文關鍵詞:Precision machineMultibody systemsFlexible bodyVirtual modelsSpur gearPlanetary gearHydraulic brake
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如今,精密加工對於製造機器零組件系統和工業用工具至關重要。越來越複雜的零組件系統需要更精確的加工系統。齒輪和煞車系統是有助於精密機器系統效率的眾多關鍵零組件系統中的兩個。為了研究和改進這些組件系統,電腦輔助工具在數值計算和模擬中扮演非常有效的角色。在本研究中,我們將評估上述兩個組件系統的動態影響。動態仿真使用 RecurDyn 軟件進行,而機構的模態分析使用 ANSYS WORKBENCH 有限元分析軟件進行。為了研究可行性,將提出將理論計算與軟體相結合的模擬方法,從而提高方法的準確性並開發可互相對比模型的方法。本論文亦將討論用於評估機械零組件可操作性的其他研究方法,以及這些方法的優缺點。總而言之,完成的工作將有助於研究和開發,最大限度地減少製造時間,提高研究對象利用的有效性,並促進機械開發。
Nowadays, precision machining is crucial for manufacturing machine components and industrial tools. Components that are increasingly complex require more precise machining systems. The gear and brake systems are two of the numerous critical components that contribute to the Precision Machine Systems' efficiency. In order to research and improve these components, computer-aided tools play an effective role in numerical computation and simulation. In this investigation, we will evaluate the dynamic influence of the two aforementioned components. The dynamic simulation is carried out with the RecurDyn software, whilst the modal analysis of mechanisms is carried out with the ANSYS WORKBENCH finite element analysis software. To study the feasibility, simulation methods integrating theoretical calculations with software will be presented, consequently enhancing the accuracy of the method and developing methods for comparable models. This thesis will also discuss additional research methodologies used to evaluate the operability of mechanical components, as well as the merits and downsides of these methods. Generally speaking, the completed works will contribute to research and development, minimize manufacturing time, increase the effectiveness of research object utilization, and facilitate mechanical development.
Table of contents...iv
List of Tables...vii
List of figures...viii
Chapter 1: Introduction...1
1.1. Motivation...1
1.2. Software introduction...4
1.2.1 ANSYS...4
1.2.2 RecurDyn...7
1.3. Thesis organization...9
Chapter 2: Background and Theory...11
2.1. Multibody systems...11
2.2. Finite Element Method...14
2.2.1 FFlex...16
2.2.2 : RFlex (Floating Frame of Reference Formulation)...18
2.3. Contact mechanism...19
Chapter 3: Fundamental and Analysis of Gear System...21
3.1. Spur gear pair...21
3.1.1 Initial conditions...23
3.1.2 Theoretical calculation of the Spur gear system...23
3.1.3 Methodology of Spur gear Rigid body Analysis using RecurDyn software...28
3.1.4 Methodology of Spur gear FFlex Analysis using RecurDyn software...32
3.1.5 Methodology of Spur gear RFlex Analysis using RecurDyn software...34
3.2. Planetary Gear System...34
3.2.1 : Planetary gear Analysis using Toolkit RecurDyn...35
3.2.2 . Planetary gear Analysis using KISSsoft RecurDyn...42
Chapter 4: Fundamental and Analysis of Hydraulic Brake System...44
4.1. System Characteristic...44
4.2. Operation and Theoretical calculation of Brake System...46
4.3. Methodology of Brake System Analysis...48
4.3.1 . Rigid body Analysis RecurDyn...48
4.3.2 . Deformation Analysis of Brake Pad...50
4.3.3 Stress and Deformation of Brake Pad...50
Chapter 5: Simulation result of Gear System...52
5.1. Simulation result of Spur Gear System...52
5.2. Simulation result of Planetary Gear System...56
Chapter 6: Simulation result of Brake System...60
6.1. Rigid body Analysis RecurDyn...60
6.2. Deformation Analysis of Brake Pad...61
6.3. Stress and Deformation of Brake Pad...64
Chapter 7: Conclusion...67
Extended Abstract...70

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