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研究生(外文):SUN, STANLEY
論文名稱(外文):Plato on Poetry and Painting
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Are the painters discussed in the Ion and Republic contradictory with each other in Plato's dialogues? When we compare the painter in the Ion and that in the Republic, we will find that Plato's attitude towards painters in these two dialogues seems inconsistent. It is positive in the Ion, while it is negative in the Republic. However, this thesis argues that this is not inconsistent, but expresses Plato's thoughts in different contexts in these two dialogues: in the Ion, Plato raised the issue of poet's epistemic shortcomings by drawing the distinction between techne and inspiration; in the Republic, Plato was discussing the position of the poet and painter in the ideal city. And in this case, I declare Plato distinguishes between bad and good poets and painters through his discussion of imitation. Plato was concerned with the distinction between bad and good, not the distinction between poets and painters. This dissertation will look at the discussion of poets and painters in Ion and Republic from this point of view, and further clarify Plato's views on art.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究主題 1
第二節 柏拉圖對話錄的選用說明 4
第二章 《伊安》 7
第一節 「靈感」與「技藝」的概念釐清 7
第二節 「靈感」為什麼不好? 25
第三節 「靈感」與「技藝」差異之下的詩與畫 40
第三章 《理想國》 57
第一節 「模仿」的概念釐清 57
第二節 「模仿」為甚麼不好? 73
第三節 從「模仿」看詩與畫 87
第四章 結論 103
參考書目 109

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Brickhouse, Tomas and Smith Nicholas D. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ISSN 2161-0002, https://iep.utm.edu/plato/, 2020/12/29.
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