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論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Impact of FinTech and Robo-Advisor on Relationship Benefit and Customer Commitment—A Case Study of Financial Institution Consumers
外文關鍵詞:FinTechRobo-AdvisorRelationship BenefitCustomer Commitment
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本研究之研究目的為探討 FinTech 與智能理財對關係利益與顧客承諾及其構面間的影響性,以金融機構消費者為主要研究對象,透過網路問卷調查,採非隨機取樣方式,共回收有效問卷 501 份,並採用 SPSS 與 AMOS 統計分析軟體進行因素分析、信效度分析、描述性統計、差異性分析、相關性分析與影響性分析。
一、金融機構消費者在 FinTech 及其構面間對顧客承諾的影響,以行動支付與人工智慧構面對顧客承諾較有顯著正向影響。
四、金融機構消費者在 FinTech、智能理財、關係利益與顧客承諾及其構面間的影響,各變項及其構面間皆有顯著正相關。
The research purpose of this study is to explore the influence of FinTech and roboadvisor on relationship benefit and customer commitment and its dimensions. With consumers of financial institutions as the main research object, a non-random sampling method is used to collect data through an online questionnaire survey. There were 501 valid questionnaires, and SPSS and AMOS statistical analysis software were used for factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics, difference analysis, correlation analysis and influence analysis.
The research results found that:
1. The influence of financial institution consumers on customer commitment between FinTech and its aspects, the mobile payment and artificial intelligence aspects have a significant positive impact on customer commitment.
2. The influence of financial institution consumers on customer commitment between robo-advisor and its aspects, robo-advisor and its task technology matching aspects have a significant positive impact on customer commitment.
3. The influence of financial institution consumers on customer commitment between relationship benefit and its aspects, relationship benefit and its trust benefit and special treatment benefit have a significant positive impact on customer commitment.
4. The influence of financial institution consumers on FinTech, robo-advisor, relationship benefit and customer commitment and its dimensions, there is a significant positive correlation between each variable and its dimensions.
Recommendations based on the above research results:
1. Financial institutions should effectively and actively promote their new services, and take the initiative to ask and assist consumers with operational questions, which will help enhance customer commitment.
2. Financial institutions should carefully evaluate the stability of robo-advisor, the investment advice given and the suitability of the investment portfolio before making a decision.
3. While focusing on performance, financial institutions should also build trusting relationships with consumers and give preferential price treatment in a timely manner, which will help enhance customer commitment.
4. Financial institutions must take into account the above three suggestions at the same time, in order to more effectively enhance the customer commitment of consumers to financial institutions.
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究問題 3
1.4 研究重要性與貢獻 4
1.5 研究限制 5
1.6 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 FinTech 7
2.2 智能理財 12
2.3 關係利益 16
2.4 顧客承諾 19
2.5 各變項間之關係探討 21
第三章 研究方法 23
3.1 研究架構 23
3.2 各變項之操作型定義 25
3.3 研究假設 26
3.4 研究設計 29
3.5 資料分析與方法 31
第四章 實證分析與結果 42
4.1 信度與效度分析 42
4.2 樣本結構與各變項及其構面之描述性分析 45
4.3 獨立樣本 T 檢定與單因子變異數分析 51
4.4 二因子變異數分析 71
4.5 相關分析 75
4.6 迴歸分析 81
4.7 層級迴歸分析 90
4.8 集群分析 94
4.9 SEM 分析 100
4.10 中介效果分析 105
4.11 研究假設驗證結果 108
4.12 本研究與過去學者研究結果之比較 118
第五章 結論與建議 121
5.1 結論 121
5.2 建議 124
參考文獻 126
一、中文部份 126
二、英文部份 130
附錄 134

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