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論文名稱:Feature-enriched Environmental Sensing Using Collaborative Deep Learning Model to Predict Spatial Propagation of Pm2.5 Concentrations
論文名稱(外文):Feature-enriched Environmental Sensing Using Collaborative Deep Learning Model to Predict Spatial Propagation of Pm2.5 Concentrations
中文關鍵詞:PM-2.5collaborative prediction modeldeep learning
外文關鍵詞:PM-2.5collaborative prediction modeldeep learning
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The propagation of air contaminant PM2.5 that threatens public health is hard to predict because it is affected by long short-term measurements involving many atmospheric variables. Air quality prediction systems provide initial information to increase public awareness and are expected to reduce the long-term health impact on public health. However, these heterogeneous sensory systems are not feasible. They are essentially incompatible and computationally expensive due to their massive deployments of sensory nodes. In this study, a collaborative prediction model is proposed to extract spatiotemporal features from real-world scientific datasets which are collected from government monitoring sites and from community-driven microsites in Taiwan. This study inherits the basic idea of horizontal aggregated learning to generate a more robust prediction model by enhancing features of the dataset. In this study, a prediction model i.e., called sparse-fault-tolerant deep learning (SFT-DL) model is designed using combinations of convolutional neural network (CNN) layers and long-short-term memory (LSTM) layers to forecast the PM2.5 propagations. In a nutshell, the proposed model achieves accurate predictive results than the baseline CNN and LSTM by considering the relationship among long short-time measurements. In addition, the collaborative learning framework boosts the robustness of the prediction model, which is assessed using point-based evaluation.
The propagation of air contaminant PM2.5 that threatens public health is hard to predict because it is affected by long short-term measurements involving many atmospheric variables. Air quality prediction systems provide initial information to increase public awareness and are expected to reduce the long-term health impact on public health. However, these heterogeneous sensory systems are not feasible. They are essentially incompatible and computationally expensive due to their massive deployments of sensory nodes. In this study, a collaborative prediction model is proposed to extract spatiotemporal features from real-world scientific datasets which are collected from government monitoring sites and from community-driven microsites in Taiwan. This study inherits the basic idea of horizontal aggregated learning to generate a more robust prediction model by enhancing features of the dataset. In this study, a prediction model i.e., called sparse-fault-tolerant deep learning (SFT-DL) model is designed using combinations of convolutional neural network (CNN) layers and long-short-term memory (LSTM) layers to forecast the PM2.5 propagations. In a nutshell, the proposed model achieves accurate predictive results than the baseline CNN and LSTM by considering the relationship among long short-time measurements. In addition, the collaborative learning framework boosts the robustness of the prediction model, which is assessed using point-based evaluation.
Verification Letter from the Oral Examination Committee i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research Background 1
1.2. Research Motivation 2
1.3. Research Purpose 3
1.4. Research Scope 4
1.5. Research Method 4
Chapter 2. Related Works 6
Chapter 3. Design of Regional Datasets Using Compressive Sampling 9
3.1. Dataset Collection 9
3.2. Design of Sparse Fault-tolerant Dataset 11
Chapter 4. Estimation of PM2.5 Propagations using Multivariate CNN-LSTM Network 17
4.1. Spatiotemporal Feature Extraction 17
4.2. Design of Prediction Model Using Convolutional LSTM Autoencoder 18
Chapter 5. Collaborative Learning Framework for Environmental Sensing 20
5.1. Weighing Coefficient in a Collaborative Learning Scheme 20
5.2. Spatiotemporal Feature Extraction 21
Chapter 6. Experiments 24
6.1. Evaluation 24
6.2. Tuning Energy Concentration Threshold 25
6.3. Collaborative Learning Performance 27
Chapter 7. Discussions 31
Chapter 8. Conclusion 34
References 35

List of Figures
Figure 1. Schema of collaborative learning for environmental prediction sensing which involves datasets from government’s AQ monitoring sites and community-driven microsites 10
Figure 2. Compressive sampling technology is used to process incompatible datasets from different monitoring sites into a sparse fault-tolerant (SFT) dataset 12
Figure 3. SFT dataset consisting of 5 features: SO2 and NOX collected from WPA sites, wind speed collected from CWB; and PM2.5, humidity, and temperature collected from Airbox 15
Figure 4. (a) Univariate and (b) multivariate prediction model using LSTM network 19
Figure 5. The proposed multivariate spatiotemporal prediction model inherits the basic idea of autoencoder 19
Figure 6. The CL scheme maintains regional correlation by training the dataset for each region 22
Figure 7. Comparison between (a) error rate and (b) data saving ratio with various σ on the reconstructed data. Meanwhile (c) evaluates the optimal value of σ that achieves efficient data generation while maintaining data fidelity 27
Figure 8. The training performance of the proposed SFT-DL, LSTM and the CNN models 28
Figure 9. RMSE of the proposed models i.e. LSTM, LSTM, and SFT-DL with various of noise addition 28
Figure 10. The propagation map of PM2.5 generated by several DL models 29
Figure 11. Simulation of data generation on WSN that utilizes three different schemes with several data rates 32

List of Tables
Table 1. Statistical characteristics of the dataset 7
Table 2. CL scheme for PM2.5 spatiotemporal predictions using Cv-Avg algorithm 22
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