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研究生(外文):YEH, PEI-RONG
論文名稱(外文):SERS Investigation of 4-Aminophenol Adsorption and Reaction on Dendritic Gold Electrode Surface
指導教授(外文):LAI, YING-HUANG
外文關鍵詞:SERS4-AminophenolDendritic Gold Electrode
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表面增顯拉曼(surface-enhanced Raman Scattering, SERS)是一個靈敏的偵測方法,當分析物與金屬表面的距離增加時,SERS的訊號會非常快速的衰減,此種性質是做為探討吸附於基材表面分子結構變化一個很好的工具。
由研究成果顯示,當4-氨基苯硫酚的濃度越低,越會氧化形成4-硝基苯硫酚,本研究也繪製出等溫吸附曲線說明4-氨基苯酚在樹狀金。在酸鹼條件改變下的表面增顯拉曼光譜中,pH值越高,也就是環境酸鹼度越趨向鹼性,會有明顯的偶和反應,4-氨基苯酚(4-Aminothiophenol, 4-ATP)被氧化成反-4,4'-二巰基偶氮苯(trans-4,4-dimercaptoazobenzene, DMAB)。在改變電位的實驗中,發現無論酸鹼環境下皆會有明顯的氧化反應,但仍是鹼性條件下效果最佳,甚至可能氧化成4-硝基苯硫酚(4-Nitrothiophenol, 4-NTP)。

Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) is a sensitive detection method. While the distance between the analyte and the metal surface increases, the SERS signal will attenuate sharply. This is a useful tool for observing the changes of the molecular structure on the surface of the substrate.
First, in this study, a pulsed electrochemical deposition method was used to prepare dendritic gold electrodes as the experimental substrate. Then, the redox reaction of 4-Aminophenol on the surface of the dendritic gold electrode was investigated by changing the concentration, the pH value of the environment, and the potential. Since thiol groups, 4-Aminothiophenol has a strong attraction with the dendritic gold electrode. This research explores whether the redox reaction of 4-Aminothiophenol under different concentrations, acid-base environments, and different potentials are strong or weak.
Moreover, the results indicate that the lower the concentration of 4-Aminophenol, the more it will oxidize to form 4-Nitrothiophenol. This study also provides an isotherm adsorption curve to illustrate the adsorption of 4-Aminophenol on the dendritic gold electrode status. The surface-enhanced Raman spectrum shows that the higher the pH value is, the more alkaline the condition is, and there will be an obvious oxidation reaction, which 4-Aminothiophenol (4-ATP) is oxidized into trans-4,4'-dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB). In the experiments of changing various potentials, it was found that both acid and base environments generate oxidation reactions, but it has the best result in alkaline conditions, and it may even be oxidized to 4-Nitrothiophenol (4-NTP).

2.3.4拉曼樣品製備28浸泡法28 -電化學吸附法29 -電化學吸附法 + 氙燈29 -電化學吸附法 + 安培法30
2.3.5 儀器設備簡介33
3.1.2樹狀金電極性質鑑定-UV-Vis DRS分析36
3.2.5不同條件下以拉曼動態積分觀察其反應趨勢65濃度1x10-4 M(θ=1)65濃度9x10-6 M(θ=0.5)67濃度5x10-6 M(θ=0.2)&濃度3x10-6 M(θ=0.1 70反應趨勢圖74
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