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論文名稱(外文):Research on Management Strategy of Technology Service Industry: A Case Study of A Engineering Company
口試委員:魏清圳 教授蔡政言 教授林江峰 教授
外文關鍵詞:Technology Service IndustryBusiness StrategiesSWOTMichael Porter's Five Forces
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Taiwan's technical services have experienced the changes of the times and technology.
With the development and sharing of the global market, the industry is gradually
internationalized. Because the industry needs high-precision technical professionals
and strong capital flow, it also drives the rapid progress of upstream and downstream
industries and surrounding industries. The industry is booming. Looking at the many
unprecedented challenges that the technology service industry has faced in recent years,
it is inseparable from factors such as changes in industrial structure, fluctuations in land
prices, population fluctuations, global epidemic abuse, etc., whether it is the
development of the overall economy or the talent gap. Factors have caused great
obstacles to the development of the industry. This research uses SWOT analysis and
five forces analysis to discuss the current situation and development of the technology
service industry and interviews with industry professionals. The important conclusions
of this study are summarized as follows: (1) "talent" for the sustainable development of
mature industries is the first key success factor; (2) the technical service industry strives
to cope with the impact of the internal and external environment; (3) the key to the
marketing of the technical service industry lies in the brand”; (4) a healthy competitive
relationship helps to enhance the overall competitiveness of the overall industry; (5)
there is a lot of room for bargaining, and changing strategies is the key
摘要........................................................ 2
Abstract ..................... ............................ 3
目錄........................................................ 4
表目錄....................................................... 5
圖目錄 .......... ........................................... 6
第一章、緒論 ................................................ 7
第一節、研究背景與動機......................................... 7
第二節、研究目的............................................... 14
第二章、文獻探討 .............................................. 15
第一節、台灣技術服務產業之介紹 ................................. 15
第二節、經營策略之相關文獻...................................... 21
第三節、技術服務業之相關文獻 ................................... 29
第三章、研究方法與設計.......................................... 34
第一節、研究................................................... 34
第二節、研究對象與範圍.......................................... 44
第四章、研究分析............................................... 46
第一節、A 工程公司介紹.......................................... 46
第二節、訪談資料分析........................................... 48
第三節、台灣技術服務業經營策略分析............................... 56
第五章、結論與建議.............................................. 59
第一節、研究結論................................................ 59
第二節、研究建議.. ............................................. 61
第六章 參考文獻 ..... ...... ......... ......................... 63
一、中文文獻.............................................. 63
二、英文文獻.............................................. 67

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