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研究生(外文):HUANG, HSIN-AN
論文名稱(外文):Improving the Legibility of Layout Information on Taipei Metro Platforms’ Digital Signage
外文關鍵詞:Digital SignageTrain InformationInformation DesignInformation VisualizationVisual Attention
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With the Taipei metro ridership's immense growth, passengers are looking forward to the displays' high-quality information. The digital signage in front of the platform is a common way of information transmission, which provides various information for waiting passengers, including train information, carriage congestion, and municipal publicity activities. However, the complex types and forms of information conveyed in digital signage make it difficult for passengers to read and understand. This study conducts a study on the legibility of the layout information of digital signage on the Taipei Metro platform. Firstly, the layout information structure and layout are analyzed. The problems existing in the layout information and the impact on passengers are compiled using situational tasks, memory drawing, and post-use assessment questionnaires. According to the experimental results, the experimental hypothesis and improvement guidelines were proposed. A Two-way ANOVA, mixed design is used to conduct the second experimental proposal verification through the composition method of "train information presentation method" and "marked terminal location." The results show that the train information "zoom to full layout" proposal has the highest scores for task evaluation, usability evaluation, pleasure evaluation, and preference ranking. The prominent presentation of upcoming train information can help passengers quickly confirm the schedule and reduce the risk of taking the wrong train. Terminals marked "next to the terminal name" scored higher than "on the transfer route map" for legibility and for helping passengers search for departures. Therefore, this study found that the "zoom to full layout" of train information and the way the terminal is marked "next to the terminal name" can help improve the legibility of layout information and help passengers search for trains. Based on the experiment's conclusions, this study proposes design specifications and suggestions for future layout information to improve passengers' reading experience of digital signage.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xii
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構與流程 3
2 第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 數位看板 4
2.1.1 數位看板應用 4
2.1.2 國內外公共資訊看板發展 5
2.2 視覺認知與訊息處理 8
2.2.1 注意力 9
2.2.2 視覺搜尋 10
2.2.3 視覺動線 10
2.2.4 視覺層次 13
2.2.5 視覺流程 14
2.2.6 記憶力 14
2.3 資訊設計 16
2.3.1 資訊架構 17
2.3.2 資訊視覺化 18
2.4 版面編排 21
2.4.1 視覺設計之易讀性 22
2.4.2 視覺設計原則 24
2.4.3 網格系統 26
2.5 小節 27
3 第三章 研究方法與步驟 28
3.1 現行月台數位看板資訊調查與分析 30
3.1.1 臺北捷運月台數位看板資訊現況調查 34
3.1.2 臺北捷運月台數位看板資訊架構分析 37
3.2 實驗一:現行數位看板之版面資訊易讀性實驗 42
3.2.1 階段一:基本資料問卷 43
3.2.2 階段二:任務與版面資訊繪製 43
3.2.3 階段三:使用後評估問卷與測量工具 46
3.2.4 階段四:資訊重要性評估與排序 50
3.3 實驗二:新版數位看板之資訊呈現設計檢證 51
3.3.1 階段一:基本資料問卷 52
3.3.2 階段二:任務評價與版面資訊繪製 52
3.3.3 階段三:使用後評估問卷與測量工具 54
3.3.4 階段四:資訊呈現喜好排序 54
4 第四章 實驗一結果與討論 55
4.1 階段一:受測者基本資料整理 55
4.2 階段二:任務與版面資訊繪製之結果與討論 60
4.2.1 任務結果統計分析 60
4.2.2 現行數位看板之版面資訊繪製正確率分析 74
4.3 階段三:使用後評估問卷之統計分析結果與討論 82
4.4 階段四:資訊重要性排序之結果與討論 91
4.5 實驗一結果與討論 94
5 第五章 新版數位看板之資訊呈現設計提案 97
5.1 設計條件彙整 97
5.2 設計提案 100
5.2.1 新版數位看板之資訊呈現:提案一 (A1 x B1) 108
5.2.2 新版數位看板之資訊呈現:提案二 (A1 x B2) 109
5.2.3 新版數位看板之資訊呈現:提案三 (A2 x B1) 110
5.2.4 新版數位看板之資訊呈現:提案四 (A2 x B2) 111
6 第六章 實驗二設計檢證與討論 112
6.1 階段一:受測者基本資料整理 112
6.2 階段二:任務評價與版面資訊繪製之結果與討論 113
6.2.1 任務評價結果統計分析 113
6.2.2 新版數位看板之版面資訊繪製正確率分析 121
6.3 階段三:使用後評估問卷之統計分析結果與討論 123
6.4 階段四:資訊呈現喜好排序之結果與討論 127
6.5 實驗二檢證結果與討論 131
7 第七章 結論與建議 136
7.1 研究結果與結論 136
7.2 後續研究建議 141
8 參考文獻 143
9 附錄 149
附錄A. 基本資料問卷 149
附錄B. 實驗一:任務問卷 150
附錄C. 使用後評估問卷 151
附錄D. 實驗一:資訊重要性評估與排序問卷 154
附錄E. 實驗二:任務評價問卷 155
附錄F. 實驗二:資訊呈現喜好排序 156
附錄G. 實驗一:記憶繪圖 157
附錄H. 實驗二:記憶繪圖 191
附錄I. 實驗一:32位受測者實驗記錄 200
附錄J. 實驗二:32位受測者實驗記錄 206

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