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研究生(外文):YAN, CHUAN-YU
論文名稱(外文):Design of Decision Network for Automatic Lane Change using Deep Learning and Expert System
指導教授(外文):CHEN, BO-CHIUAN
外文關鍵詞:automatic lane changedecision-making networkconvolutional neural networklong short-term memorydeep learningexpert systemrisk assessment
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本文提出一套自動變換車道系統,應用深度學習與專家系統建構變換車道決策網路,當前車車速過慢時,可評估周遭車輛的動態與變換車道的風險,進行變換車道決策。首先根據感測器所獲得的周遭車輛距離資訊,利用相對動態估測器估測周遭車輛與本車的相對動態、時間車距與碰撞時間等,作為決策網路的輸入資訊。接著依據舒適性限制進行變換車道軌跡規劃,當決策網路判斷為安全時,則進行變換車道行為;變換車道過程中持續進行風險評估,當決策網路在跨越車道線前判斷有碰撞風險時,立即取消變換車道行為。本文使用SUMO 蒐集其內建駕駛者模型變換車道行為資料,採用卷積神經網路與長短期記憶網路作為決策網路架構進行深度學習,並配合信心水準與基於規則的專家系統來輔助決策。應用基於模型預測控制的適應性巡航控制與側向位移追隨控制器來進行縱向與側向動態控制。最後利用CarSim 與SUMO 進行模擬驗證,其結果顯示本文所提出之演算法可有效評估周遭車輛風險,進行自動變換車道;並在過程中持續進行風險評估,若有危險時可取消變換車道,確保變換車道的安全。
An automatic lane changing (ALC) system is propsoed in this thesis. Deep learning and expert systems are used to establish a lane-changing decision-making network. When the preceding vehicle speed is too slow, the kinematcs of surrounding vehicles and the risk of lane change are evaluated to make lane-changing decisions. According to the relative distances of surrounding vehicles measured from distance sensors, a relative kinematics estimator is employed to estimate the relative speeds and accelerations, time headway (TH) and time-to-collision (TTC) between the surrounding vehicles and the host vehicle, which are used as the input information of the decision-making network. The ride comfort requirement is used to design the lane change trajectory. When the decision-making network determines that it is safe for lane change, the ALC system starts to change lane. Collision risks are continued to be assessed during lane change. If a collision risk is detected before lane crossing, lane change will be aborted. The lane-changing behavior data of the built-in driver in SUMO is collected for deep learning. An decision-making network is designed using convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM). Cconfidence level and rule-based expert system are used to assist the decision-making. Adaptive cruise control (ACC) and lateral displacement control (LDC) based on model predictive control are used for longitudinal and lateral dynamics control. Finally, CarSim and SUMO are employed to verify the proposed algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively assess the risks of surrounding vehicles and change lanes automatically. It can continue to perform risk assessment duing lane change. If there exists any risks, the lane change will be aborted to ensure the safety of lane change.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究目的 6
1.4 論文架構 7
第二章 深度學習 8
2.1 資料蒐集 8
2.1.1 變換車道前資料集 8
2.1.2 變換車道中資料集 15
2.2 變換車道前神經網路 18
2.2.1 變換車道前資料分析 18
2.2.2 基於二維卷積神經網路 19
2.3 變換車道中神經網路 27
2.3.1 變換車道中資料分析 27
2.3.2 基於二維卷積神經網路 28
2.3.3 基於二維卷積神經網路與長短期記憶網路 32
第三章 變道決策 37
3.1 變換車道前風險評估 37
3.2 變換車道中風險評估 40
第四章 軌跡追隨控制 44
4.1 軌跡規劃 44
4.2 模型預測控制 49
4.3 自適應巡航控制 52
4.4 側向位移追隨控制器 56
第五章 模擬結果 61
5.1 周遭車輛等速行駛情境 62
5.2 目標車道前車減速情境 67
5.3 原車道後車加速變道情境 72
第六章 結論與未來展望 77
參考文獻 79
附錄A 82
附錄B 85
附錄C 87
附錄D 88
附錄E 90
附錄F 92
符號彙編 93

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