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論文名稱(外文):Development of Bio-Based Self-Healing Copolymer System for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding
指導教授(外文):LEE, YI-HUAN
外文關鍵詞:Bio-based materialsSelf-healingElectromagnetic interference shieldingGrapheneCarbon nanotube
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本研究中,一種生質型具交聯網狀結構之自修復高分子被開發出來,並結合石墨烯/奈米碳管製成複合材料。建構的方式為兩種不同屬性的高分子被合成並經由Diels-Alder反應將兩者結合。首先生質型聚酯多元醇(Priplast 3192)與異氰酸酯(H12MDI)反應,並以糠胺(FA)作為分子鏈的封端劑形成含有呋喃(furan)官能基之聚氨酯(polyurethane, PU)高分子。同時也利用開環聚合(ring-opening polymerization)手法合成具有furan末端基之共聚高分子poly(caprolactone)-co-poly(furfuryl glycidyl ether) (PCLF)。接著藉由具有可作為親二烯體馬來亞醯胺(maleimide)官能基之雙馬來醯亞胺(BMI)作為橋梁,經由Diels-Alder反應將PU及PCLF進行化學鍵結獲得可逆網狀交聯結構。在本系統中,PU鏈段有助於提高機械性而PCLF提供多元官能基提高DA交聯密度,賦予材料系統優異的機械強度。此外,聚酯多元醇(Priplast 3192)與聚己內酯(PCL)分別作為這兩種共聚物之主架構,皆具有再生原料的優點。更重要的是,本實驗利用動態可逆Diels-Alder反應機制,藉由升溫逆DA反應修復受損的部位。考量年來多功能材料的發展趨勢,石墨烯/奈米碳管被進一步的添加於上述成功開發的自修復的材料中,賦予材料系統電磁干擾屏蔽的功能。以現今環保意識抬頭,自修復材料早已是熱門的研究項目,而高科技的快速發展,電磁波屏蔽更是近幾年探討熱點,我們相信本研究將此兩種重要功能結合,有助於在電磁應用拓展更具新穎性的領域。
In this study, a bio-based self-healing polymeric material with a cross-linked network structure was developed and then combined with graphene/carbon nanotubes to form a nanocomposite system. The self-healing polymeric system was constructed in such a way that two polymers with different properties were synthesized and combined via the Diels-Alder mechanism. First, a bio-based polyester polyol (Priplast 3192) was reacted with isocyanate (H12MDI), followed by the introduction of furfurylamine (FA) as the end capping reagent to form a polyurethane (PU) with furan end groups. Meanwhile, poly(caprolactone)-co-poly(furfuryl glycidyl ether) (PCLF), a copolymer with furan end groups, was synthesized by ring-opening polymerization. Subsequently, the synthesized PU and PCLF polymers were chemically bonded via Diels-Alder reaction with bismaleimide (BMI), which acted as a dienophile reagent to react with furan groups of PU and PCLF, forming a cross-linked polymeric system with reversible DA bonding. For the cross-linked system, PU possessed good mechanical properties, and PCLF provided multiple functional groups to increase the DA cross-linking density, which endowed the material system with favorable mechanical strength. In addition, polyester polyol (Priplast 3192) and polycaprolactone (PCL) as the main structure of PU and PCLF both had the advantages of renewable sources. More importantly, based on the dynamic and reversible characteristics of the Diels-Alder reaction, the damaged parts of the material were effectively repaired by heating up to initiate the retro-DA reaction. Considering the development trend of multifunctional materials in recent years, graphene/carbon nanotubes were further added to the above-mentioned successfully developed self-healing material to endow the material system with electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding function. With the rising awareness of environmental protection, self-healing materials have long been a popular research project, and with the rapid development of high technology, electromagnetic wave shielding has become a hot topic in recent years. We believe that the successful combination of these two key functions in this study will help to expand more novel areas in electromagnetic applications.
摘要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 聚氨酯 3
2.1.1 聚氨酯介紹 3
2.1.2 聚氨酯的合成 5
2.1.3 生質型聚氨酯 8
2.2 自修復材料(self-healing material) 10
2.2.1 自修復材料介紹 10
2.2.2 狄耳士-阿爾德(Diels-Alder)反應介紹 15
2.2.3 Diels-Alder可逆交聯自修復高分子材料 16
2.3 聚己內酯(polycaprolactone, PCL) 18
2.3.1 聚己內酯介紹 18
2.3.2 聚己內酯開環聚合機制(ring-opening polymerization, ROP) 19
2.3.3 聚己內酯應用於Diels-Alder反應高分子 21
2.4 石墨烯(graphene) 22
2.5 奈米碳管(carbon nanotube, CNT) 24
2.5.1 奈米碳管簡介 24
2.5.2 奈米碳管發展與應用 27
2.6 電磁干擾(Electromagnetic Interference, EMI)介紹 28
2.7 生物基(生質型)聚合物介紹 32
第三章 實驗 33
3.1 實驗藥品 33
3.2 實驗溶劑 38
3.3 實驗儀器 40
3.4 儀器與檢測方法 43
3.5 己內酯(ε-caprolactone)單體除水純化 51
3.6 合成聚己內酯(polycaprolactone)-co-聚縮水甘油糠醚(poly(furfuryl glycidyl ether))共聚物 (PCLF) 52
3.7 合成聚氨酯(Polyurethane) 53
3.8 製備PU/PCLF/ Graphene/MWCNT生質型自修復奈米複合材料 54
第四章 結果與討論 56
4.1 高分子PCLF與PU合成之鑑定 56
4.1.1 PCLF核磁共振光譜儀(NMR)結構鑑定分析 56
4.1.2 PU核磁共振光譜儀(NMR)結構鑑定分析 58
4.1.3 PCLF與PU凝膠滲透層析儀(GPC)分子量鑑定分析 59
4.2 PUBPCLF自修復複合材料之Diels-Alder分析 60
4.2.1 傅立葉傳換紅外線光譜(FT-IR)分析 60
4.2.2 溶膠-凝膠(Sol-Gel)的熱可逆反應分析 61
4.2.3 偏光光學顯微鏡(POM)分析 62
4.3 PU-B-PCLF自修復奈米複合材料性質分析 65
4.3.1 熱重量分析儀(TGA)分析 65
4.3.2 差示掃描熱分析儀(DSC)分析 67
4.3.3 廣角度X光散射儀(WAXS)分析 69
4.3.4 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)分析 70
4.3.5 PB-C10G5與PB-C15複合材料熱重塑性(Remolding)分析 72
4.3.6 阻抗分析儀(Resistivity Meters)電導度分析 73
4.3.7 向量網路分析儀(VNA)分析 74
4.3.8 拉伸(Tensile)測試分析 78
第五章 結論 80
參考文獻 81
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