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論文名稱(外文):Pothole Obstacle Avoidance Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning Method
指導教授(外文):LAI, KUAN-TING
外文關鍵詞:Pothole Obstacle AvoidanceReinforcement LearningSelf-drive
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With the advancement of technology, autonomous driving technology has also advanced a lot. At present, it has been able to perform actions such as turning, changing roads, accelerating, etc., but there are still many situations to overcome. The most important thing is that the vehicle needs to pay attention to the surrounding road conditions at any time during the driving process to avoid dangerous driving behaviors, such as Collision potholes, due to the aging and damage of the road due to long-term use, may cause the vehicle to collide without paying attention to the potholes on the road, putting the vehicle and passengers into a dangerous situation. For this reason, this article proposes to use deep reinforcement learning to train self-driving cars to avoid obstacles in potholes. Due to safety considerations, the virtual environment is used to simulate self-driving cars to avoid obstacles in potholes.
For the diversity and plasticity of the data, in this experiment, according to the actual pothole size, a pothole road model that is consistent with reality is produced through a virtual environment and used in the training environment of self-driving cars, and three kinds of DQN, A2C, and PPO are used at the same time. Compare different algorithms to find better results.

摘 要 i
Acknowledgments iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivations 1
1.3 Thesis Contribution 2
1.4 Thesis Architecture 2
Chapter 2. Literature Discussion 3
2.1 Deep Learning 3
2.2 Convolutional Neural Networks 3
2.2.1 Convolution Layer 4
2.2.2 Pooling Layer 7
2.2.3 Fully Connected Layer 9
2.3 Reinforcement Learning 9
2.3.1 Agent 10
2.3.2 Environment 10
2.3.3 State 11
2.3.4 Action 11
2.3.5 Reward 11
2.3.6 Value-base Method 11
2.3.7 Policy-base Method 15
2.4 Deep Q-Learning 17
2.5 Proximal Policy Optimization 18
2.6 Advantage Actor Critic 19
Chapter 3. Data Construction 21
3.1 Rhinoceros 3D 21
3.2 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 21
3.3 Pothole Measurement 24
3.4 Single Pothole Simulation Design 25
3.5 Pothole Pavement Simulation Design 27
Chapter 4. System Implementation 29
4.1 System Architecture 29
4.2 Hardware 29
4.3 Unreal Engine 30
4.3.1 Simulated Environment 30
4.4 AirSim 33
4.4.1 Image API 33
4.4.2 FOV Setting 34
4.4.3 Action Set 35
4.5 Stable Baseline 35
4.5.1 CNN Policy 35
Chapter 5. Experiment Results 36
5.1 Deep Q-Learning 36
5.2 Proximal Policy Optimization 38
5.3 Advantage Actor Critic 40
Chapter 6. Conclusion and Future Work 42
References 43

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